Урок-наработка навыков чтения и перевода
1) Приветствие 2) Стих ex 7, p 116 3) Работа над транскрипцией 4) Диктант на слова ex 2, p 114 и ex 5, p 115 5) TS диалоги 6) Диалоги художественное чтение и обыгрывание 7) Глагол to be р 119 8) Ex 2, p 119 9) Ex 3, p 119 10) Ex 4, p 120 (устно и письменно) 11) Ex 1,2, p 123 (устно) 12) Упр. Барашкова или распечатки на was\were 13) Ex 9, p 125 -прочитать текст. Подчеркнуть в тексте неправильные глаголы - детям раздается этот напечатанный текст с пропусками слов, ниже дается список этих слов. Задача- вставить пропущенные слова в текст. 13) Проверка д\з чтение р 115 Д\з ex 6, p 124 чтение и перевод
Brother Rabbit ________ four carrots. He was very hungry. He wanted to eat the ____________. But then he thought that his friend Brother Goat was hungry too. So he ate only two carrots. He wanted to _________ the other two to Brother Goat. He took the two carrots and ran to Brother Goat”s house. Brother Goat was not at home. So Brother Rabbit put the two carrots on the _________ and ran away. When Brother Goat _________ home and saw the carrots on the table, he thought: “Oh, what good friends I have got! And I want to be a good __________ too. I think that Brother Rabbit is hungry.” So Brother Goat ate only one carrot, took the other and _______ to Brother Rabbit”s house. Brother Rabbit was not at home. Brother Goat put the carrot on the table and ___________ a letter, “Dear Brother Rabbit! This carrot is for you. _________ from Brother Goat.” When Brother Rabbit came home, he saw the carrot and a letter on the table. He __________ the letter, ate the carrot and thought, “Oh! What good friends I have got.
wrote came had Love friend read carrots table ran give