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Sound Practice. A. Listen to the passage of the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin up to the words “appeared once more”

A. Listen to the passage of the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin up to the words “...appeared once more”. Define the positional length of vowels (monophthongs and diphthongs) in monosyllabic words. Write them in the right column.

Long Half-long Short
happy Ring Which


B. Listen to the following sentences. Write them down. Lay stresses and tone marks. Transcribe them. Define the types of assimilation in them.

a) The miller was so scared at seeing the king that he said the first thing that popped into his head.

b) The king was intrigued by this and told the miller to bring his daughter to the castle.

c) “What will you give me”, said the man, “if I spin this straw into gold for you by the morning?”.

d) The king was surprised and pleased to see all the gold but this only made him more greedy.

e) Again the king told the girl to spin all the straw into gold by the morning or she must die.

C. Listen to the fairy-tale. Write down the words which contain a combination of a vowel and the letter “r”. Define the phoneme the combination represents.Example: miller (e + r = /@/); scared (a + r + e = /E@/).


Intonation Practice

A. Listen to the following passage of the fairy tale. State which type of information (intellectual, intentional/attitudinal or volitional) prevails in it. Give reasons. Do it in writing.

“Is your name by any chance Rumpelstiltskin?”.

“What?” shrieked the man, “How did you know? How wiches told you”, he shouted.

He jumped up and down with anger and then stomped furiously out of the room.

B. Identify the main intonational characteristics of the passage you have just heard. Define the other linguistic means conveying Rumpelstiltskin’s emotional state.

C. Listen to the following sentences. Write them down. Divide them into intonation groups. Lay stresses and tone marks. State the number of rhythmic groups in them. Indicate the boundaries between the rhythmic groups and define their structure using the symbol | for a stressed syllable, and the symbol È;for anunstressed syllable.

a) Once upon a time there was a poor miller who had a beautiful daughter.

b) She had no idea how to spin straw into gold and very soon the thought of what would happen to her in the morning made her cry.

c) The next day the queen sent her messenger to collect all the boys’ names he could find.

d) The same happened the next day.

Comprehension Practice

A. Listen to the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin. Give the Ukrainian equivalent to the title of the fairy tale. State whether the sentences you hear after the text are true or false. Correct the false sentences. Do it in writing.

a) The king led her into a room full of gold (F).

b) Suddenly the door flew open and in walked a strange little man with a long ginger beard. (T)

c) The little man took the necklace and straight away started spinning. (T)

d) The king was not surprised and pleased to see all the gold. (F)

e) The king was overjoyed to see so much straw. (F)

f) Very soon the girl sat alone crying. (T)

g) The queen had been so unhappy since her marriage but she had always remembered about the strange little man and her promise to him. (F)

h) The queen willingly gave her baby to the strange little man. (F)

i) On hearing the name Rumpelstiltskin the queen was overjoyed. (T)

j) Rumpelstiltskin jumped up with joy and gladly ran out of the room (F)

B. Write downyour questions revealing the plot of the fairy tale.

C. Listen to the text, divide it into communicative blocks, entitle them.

D. Listen to the fairy tale, find the logical centres of each communicative block and of the whole text. Write them down.

E. Retell the text of the fairy tale imitating the speaker’s intonation.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1068. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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