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Task 1. Listen to the recorded words and word combinations. Write them in transcription. Practise their pronunciation.

Hors dóeuvre

zander in aspic





whipped cream


















scalloped fish

crucian carp










bay leaves























Task 2. Listen to the words (Task 1). Put them in the right column:

Vege­tables Courses Herbs Type of Eater Cooking food Pasta Food / Dishes Desserts Fish / sea food Meat Others
Auber­gines Parsnip Arti­choke Asparagus Cauli­flower Spinach Broccoli   Hors- d’oeuvre Cinna­mon Ginger Bay leaves Herbs Almond Parsley   Gourmet Fasti­dious   Grind Knead Squeeze Skewer Braise Sauté   Spaghetti Vermi­celli Ravioli   Whipped cream Scalloped fish Broth Barbecue Zander in aspic Mayo­nnaise Flavoured Sausage Porridge Stewed Cocoa Raisins Biscuits Prunes   Trout Caviar Crucian carp Salmon Sardine Oyster Prawn Shrimp   Venison Turkey Poultry   Impro­mptu Fabulous Mar­vellous Diet Recipe  

Task 3. Match pairs of words that rhyme:

Fish – dish

Peaches – beaches

Carp – harp

Dill – bill

Spice – rice

Mustard – custard

Dip – snip

Food – mood

Sage – cage

Corn – born

Brussels – muscles

Beer – dear

Honey – money

egg – beg

Cake – bake

Tin – bin

Packet – racket

Pack – back

Roll – bowl

Leek – seak

Peas – keys

Pumpkin – bumpkin

Milk – silk

Cherry – berry

Marrow – sparrow

Eel – meal

Sauce – course

Crumpy – dumpy

Jug – mug

Pike – bike

Jar – bar

Cod – knod

Jelly – belly

Bread – red

Glass – grass

Spoon – moon

Crush – brush

Oil – boil

Frying – drying

Task 4. Look through the words in Task 3; group them according to the type of a vowel in a stressed syllable.

Task 5. Listen carefully to the following conversational situations. Write them down. Concentrate on the intonation of replies. Mark the type of the nuclear tone they take. Define the attitude rendered in the replies. Listen to them again, pronounce them, make them sound non-final, non-categoric(al), soothing, sympathetically interested, reassuring, encouraging, calmly patronizing, friendly, puzzled.

a) - Tell me, doctor, is he badly hurt?

- Nothing at all /serious. Just a few /bruises. (soothing, reassuring)

b) - I don’t think I’ll ever do it.

- You /will. It’s just a matter of /practice. (reassuring)

c) - I’m going to do some shopping.

- Can I come /too? (interested)

d) - I’m afraid they’ve gone out.

- How soon will they be back? (sympathetically interested)

e) - I really must be off.

- Don’t let me detain you then. (calmly patronizing)

f) - I’m just going.

- Have a good time. (encouraging)

g) - Alice is on the phone.

- Who does she want to speak to? (interested, puzzled)

h) - Are you quite well prepared for your exam?

- Not quite. (noncategoric)

i) - Shall we write a dictation tomorrow?

- I believe so. (noncategoric)

j) - I’m sorry but I can’t go to the cinema with you.

- Are you very busy today? (interested).

Task 6. Listen to the following dialogues and exercises. Write down the sentences containing tag-questions (disjunctive questions), lay stresses and tone marks, give their tonograms. Establish the intonation patterns of expressing certainty/uncertainty. Define the speakers’ social status (equal, superiour, inferiour) and the degree of formality (formal, informal) of the conversations. Do it in writing. Practise reading the dialogues.

Thompson P. 79-86 (Ex.82-89)

1) Harriet: It’s cold today, isn’t it?

David: Well, remember it’s November.

Harriet: Yes, but last November wasn’t cold, was it?

David: Well, last November was exceptionally warm, so they say.

Harriet: We didn’t wear overcoats, did we?

David: Not in the first week, certainly.

Harriet: Oh, yes, it got cooler later, didn’t it?

David: Quite a bit cooler – but not this cold.

Harriet: There’s been snow, hasn’t there? [Thompson:79]

2) Mr W.: It’s the 14th today, isn’t it?.

Miss R.: That’s it.

Mr W.: I haven’t opened my letters yet, have I?

Miss R.: Not yet, Mr Watkins, no.

Mr W.: You said it was March, didn’t you?

Miss R.: No, Mr Watkins. It’s February. [Thompson:82]

Task 7. Read the text given below. Make sure you understand what it is about. Divide each sentence into syntagms, lay stresses and tone marks, practise your reading technique. Record your reading.

Phonetics, to people who know very little about it, usually means a lot of funny characters which make ordinary English words look most strange and barbarous. Although this is not a correct description of phonetics, it is true that in writing about speech sounds we often find it useful to refer to them by means of a phonetic alphabet. No student of English can fail to notice that English spelling is not always a reliable guide to pronunciation. If we compare the words cough, enough, bough, though, through, and ought, we see that the same spelling ough is used to represent widely varying sounds; on the other hand, in the words seed, beam, field, key, and these, we see different spellings all representing the same sound. Therefore, a special alphabet is used in which each letter or symbol stands for one and only one sound wherever it occurs. A word written in phonetic symbols can be read aloud correctly by anyone familiar with phonetics and phonetic transcription.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 941. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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