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EXERCISE 38c — Write eight original sentences using phrasal verbs from this section.

1. __________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________


4. _______________________________________________________


6. ____________________________________________________

7. _______________________________________________________

8. ____________________________________________________

EXERCISE 38d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

back down, 36 come on, 37 goof around, 33 leave over, 37
brush off, 37 fall behind, 33 hang out, 37 run down, 36
calm down, 36 fall down, 36 know about, 33 sit down, 36
come about, 33 go down, 36 lay down, 36 talk to, 37


1. Raul is constantly criticizing me, but I usually just ________ him ________.

2. I can barely hear this radio. The batteries must be _______ _________.

3. When the electricians went on strike, the entire construction project ________ ________ schedule.

4. Jake's claim that he accidentally shot Tony six times didn't ________ ________ well with the jury.

5. The dictator ________ ________ after three aircraft carriers started sailing toward his country.

6. I need to check the furnace. The temperature got below sixty degrees last night, but the heat didn't ________ ________.

7. A big, old tree ________ ________ last night and smashed a hole in our roof.

8. ________ ________ — there's nothing to get upset about.

9. Several major changes in society ________ ________ as a result of the industrial revolution.

10. Are you going to do any work at all today or will you just ________ ________?

11. Don't waste your time asking Erik; he doesn't ________ anything ________ it.

12. Timmy's mother _______ him _______ and talked to him about his bad grades.

13. How much money was ______ ______ after you finished paying for everything?

14. You can ________ those papers ________ over there.

15. I don't have anything to do today. I'm just going to _____ _____ here and relax.

16. I'm so mad at her. I'll never ________ ________ her again!

39. FOCUS ON: passive phrasal verbs, 3

As we saw in Section 13, the passive is formed with be and the past participle of the verb. A number of modal auxiliary verbs and similar constructions are commonly used with be:

The meat willbe chopped up by the cook.

Mark would never be picked up at the airport by a limo.

This mess canbe straightened out only by me.

Such a huge country couldn'tbe taken over easily.

Her name shouldbe crossed off the list.

The gas tank oughttobe filled up before you return the car.

The concert mightbe sold out.

Your paychecks may not be picked up until after 5:00.

The enemy mustbe wiped out.

I have to be picked up on time.

The fruit has to be chopped up with a clean knife.

This screwup had betterbe straightened out soon or you will be fired!

This stuff wassupposedtobe taken over to Nancy's house yesterday.

Recall from Section 28 that phrasal verbs in the passive cannot be separated by an object because in a passive sentence there is no object.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
chop up chop up & chops up chopping up chopped up chopped up


1. chop... up p.v. When you chop something up, you cut it into small pieces with a knife or other sharp instrument.

Does this meat have to be chopped up?

Chop it up into pieces about half an inch in size.

chopped up part.adj. After something has been cut into small pieces with a knife or other sharp instrument, it is chopped up.

Mix the chopped-up onions and celery with the mayonnaise.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 438. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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