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Fill up

fill up & fills up filling up filled up filled up

1. fill...up p.v. When you fill something up, you fill it completely.

My radiator must be leaking; it has to be filled up with water every day.

We always fill the tank up when we're in Indiana because gas is cheaper there.

filled up part.adj. After something has been completely filled up, it is filled up.

These water containers don't weigh very much. Are you sure they're completely filled up?

2. fill... up (on) p.v. When you fill up or fill up on something, you eat so much that you are no longer hungry and cannot eat any more.

Don't fill up on salad — you won't have any room for dinner.

I filled up on candy and was really sick about an hour later.

3. fill up p.v. When a room or other area fills up, people enter it until it is full.

The dance floor filled up quickly when the band began to play.

The hotels in Rio de Janeiro always fill up at carnival time.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
pick up pick up & picks up picking up picked up picked up


1. pick... up p.v. When you pick something up, you lift it with your hand.

All this trash has to be picked up.

Sam picked up his briefcase and left his office.

2. pick... up p.v. When you go to a place to get something that was created, prepared, or left for you and is now ready, you pick it up.

The garbage is supposed to be picked up before 9:00 am.

The travel agent said I could pick the tickets up tomorrow.

pickup n. Something that is to be picked up or the process of picking it up is a pickup.

The restaurant uses the back door for pickups and deliveries.

3. pick... up p.v. When you pick people up, you stop your vehicle and give them a ride away from that place.

You'll be picked up at the airport by the hotel van.

Picking up hitchhikers is dangerous.

pickup n. Someone who is to be picked up or the process of picking someone up is a pickup.

The taxi driver went to 2122 N. dark Street for a pickup.

4. pick... up p.v. When you pick something up in a store, you quickly go into a store to buy something you need.

I need to pick up some milk on the way home.

Could you pick a loaf of bread up on your way over?

5. pick... up p. v. When you pickup a skill, you learn it easily. When you pick up a

habit, you aquire the habit.

Children can pick up a new language very quickly. My son is picking some bad habits up from his friends.

6. pick... up p.v. When you resume doing something at the point where you stopped doing it earlier, you pick up at that point.

The teacher started the class by picking up where she had left off the previous week.

When you return to work after a long vacation, it's hard to know where to pick up.

7. pick... up p.v. When you pick up a radio or television station or a certain frequency on a receiver, you are able to tune it to that station or frequency.

When the weather is right,you can pick radio stations up that are hundreds of miles away.

General Johnston's radio transmission was picked up by the enemy.

8. pick... up p.v. When the police or other authorities arrest people, they pick them up.

The border patrol picks up several people every day trying to bring drugs into the country.

Charles was picked up for driving under the influence of alcohol.

9. pick... up p.v. When you get something by chance without looking for it, you pick it up.

I picked up a few stock tips from a guy I met on the plane.

Marsha picked up some interesting books at a used bookstore.

10. pick... up p.v. When you pick up the check or the tab (a tab is a list of money that someone owes) in a restaurant or other place, you pay it.

Tom's a real cheapskate; he never picks up the check.

Heather's father picked up the tab for the entire wedding.

11. pick up p.v. When the speed, level, or condition of something increases or improves, it picks up.

Business is stow this time of year, but it should pick up in December.

The song starts out slowly, but then it picks up.

pickup n. An improvement in the speed, level, or condition of something is a pickup. If a motor vehicle is able to accelerate quickly, it has pickup.

The company's profits increased after a pickup in sales.

I need to take my truck to the mechanic. It doesn't have any pickup.

12. pick... up p.v. When you pick up a place that is messy, you organize or tidy it.

Timmy's mother told him he couldn't play outside until he picked up his room.

Let's pick this place up — it's a mess.

13. pick... up p.v. [informal] When you pick up members of the opposite sex, you approach and successfully interest them in a sexual or romantic encounter.

Hank tried to pick up Frank's sister at the party last night, but she wasn't interested.

Pat picked up someone, and they went to a cheap motel.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
sell out sell out & sells out selling out sold out sold out


1. sell out (of) [often passive] p.v. When a store sells out of something or is sold out of something, it sells all of it.

The toy store sold out of antigravity boots in two days.

I wanted to buy that new computer game, but every store I went to was sold out of it.

sold out part.adj. After all of something for sale in a store has been sold, the item is sold out.

I saw the most beautiful shoes at the mall, but my size was all sold out.

sold out part.adj. After all the tickets to a concert, play, or other public performance have been sold, the event is sold out.

You'll never get a ticket for the Superbowl — it's been sold out for weeks.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
straighten out                
straighten out & straightens out straightening out straightened out straightened out


1. straighten... out p.v. When something is bent, crooked, or curved and you make it straight, you straighten it out.

My elbow is so swollen that I can't straighten my arm out.

As the city grew, many of the winding streets were straightened out.

2. straighten... out p.v. When you straighten out a confused situation or misun­derstanding, you take steps to make it understandable and satisfactory to everyone involved. Sort out is similar to straighten out.

My hotel had me booked for the wrong days in the wrong room, but the manager straightened everything out.

Save your questions for the meeting. Everything will be straightened out then.

straightened out part.adj. After a confused situation or misunderstanding has been made understandable and satisfactory to everyone involved, it is straightened out. Sorted out is similar to straightened out.

Erik was upset with Dan, but they had a talk and now everything is straightened out.

3. straighten... out p.v. When you straighten out people who are acting foolishly, you do or say something that causes them to act more responsibly. When you straighten out people who are confused, you help them to understand.

I told my son that if he gets in trouble one more time, I'm going to send him to military school. That really straightened him out.

I'm totally confused about what I'm supposed to do. Can you straighten me out?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 534. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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