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Topic 1 Why go to university? I strongly believe that everyone should attend university

I strongly believe that everyone should attend university. Entering university is at the same time a so much promising (многообещающий) step into a world of opportunities as long as it is accompanied by a strong will (сопровождается сильной волей) and desire for distinction (желанием уважения). The quality and diversity of opportunities and the spread spectrum of choices higher education can provide us is the core motive (может дать нам основные мотивы) for everyone intending (кто намеревается) to attend university. I will try to examine below the specific reasons for entering university according to which I think are the most common viewpoints nowadays.


First let us look at what a person can typically gain from a successfully study at a university. It is a diploma and/or a degree. This is by default leading to a more distinct, respected, well-paid profession. Nowadays unemployment crisis is troubling not only the poor countries but the developed western countries as well, so that the ease of finding a job may play an important role in the decisions people are making.


Another important reason is that people want to get more education. University provides a higher level of education and has all these resources and facilities for people who crave knowledge. Learning is the key to everything that we want to improve. So, higher education helps us widen our understanding and increase our intellectual ability.

Apart from the points (Помимо моментов) I made above there is also a well known fashion all over the world that is called career preparation (карьерное планирование). Many people attend university in order to seek either a career in science and technology or a career in business. It is believed that the ideas, opportunities, qualifications, in-depth knowledge and expertise in science areas often make attending university imperative. Many times a four-year study at a university may only be the beginning of a sequence (последовательность) of moves someone can make in order to accomplish (в целях выполнения) what he thinks best for his career.

Finally, I cannot oversee the fact that – Я не могу смотреть на тот факт, что..

Finally, I cannot oversee (наблюдать) the fact that many times studying at a university also means living in a city far from home. New responsibilities always appear but they do not become serious drawbacks (серьезные недостатки). In contrast (С другой стороны), the new sense of freedom and independence a young man can experience or thinks he will is thought of as something of great importance. One thing (?thing's)is for sure though, there is chance for everyone in the community of a university to meet people, make new friends and know individuals of great importance.

One thing's for sure though - Одно можно сказать наверняка, хотя

Last but not least I wish to say that the purpose of university is to harvest knowledge and to being educated, so it is obvious that everyone can find a reason for attending university.



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