EXERCISES. I. Переведите предложения
I. Переведите предложения. Укажите признаки, по которым можно определить, является ли слово, оканчивающееся на –ing, герундием или отглагольным существительным. 1. Not long ago Russian scientists developed some methods of obtaining new kinds of rubber just as good as natural rubber. 2. A further step in rubber technology was the combining of rubber with metals, wood and asbestos. 3. Chemists know at least 3,000 formulas for making rubber-like substances. 4. Synthesis is the process of combining the elements; analysis is the breaking down of the compounds into elements. 5. He took part in the sittings of the committee. 6. The idea of using the energy of oceans and seas for human needs is not new. II. Объясните значение слов, оканчивающихся на –ing, и определите неличную форму глагола (Participle I или Gerund). the working motor – the working model; the boiling point – the boiling water; the melting ice – the melting point; a smoking room – a smoking man; the freezing liquid – the freezing point III. Сравните употребление и дайте перевод герундия и причастия I в функции:
IV. Укажите признаки, по которым можно определить форму глагола, оканчивающегося на –ing (Participle I, Gerund, Verbal Noun). Переведите. 1. Burning coal takes place very slowly under these conditions. The burning of coal takes place very slowly under these conditions. The burning coal produces a certain amount of heat. By burning coal we obtain the necessary heat. When burning coal we obtain the necessary heat. 2. Testing the motors they found some serious defects. While testing the motors they found some serious defects. In testing the motors they found some serious defects. Testing engines should be done under normal working conditions. The testing of engines should be done under normal working conditions.