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Explaining how something works

Clive Harris: Can I get you a cup of tea or something?

MS Wong: No, thanks. I’m fine.

Clive Harris:Please, have a seat. Well, Sally, you have seen the company. You have seen our products. what do you think?

MS Wong:You have a wide product range, but they’re all dependent on the same chip technology. I think we may be able to supply you with some of the necessary circuitry…but, of course, we need to speak further about it.

Clive Harris:Well, thanks for coming in.

MS Wong:It has been the most interesting.

Derek Jones:This is the latest prototype.

Phil Watson: How does it work?

Derek Jones:say something to the boss.

Phil Watson: Like what?

Derek Jones:Anything. There’s a microphone in Boss’s ear and it will recognize certain commands. It records what you say and stores it. When it hears the trigger word, it plays it back.

Phil Watson:I’m sorry,could you repeat that?I don’t understand what you mean by trigger word?

Derek Jones:OK. I’ll try to explain it more simply.We can program the boss to say something like “I don’t want problems, I want solutions” And we do it like this: you press his nose and that activates the voice card. Then you say the phrase “I don’t want problems, I want solutions”. Then you press the nose again.

Phil Watson:Why do you do it?

Derek Jones:You do that to stop the recording.Then you select your trigger word.

Phil Watson:What’s that?

Phil Watson:The trigger word makes the boss speak. Every time he hears that word he will say I don’t want problems, I want solutions”.

Phil Watson:So let me clarify this: each time the boss hears the trigger word he will repeat the phrase.

Derek Jones:Exactly. So give him the trigger.

Phil Watson: OK. Ummmm…The trigger can be the word “problems”.

Derek Jones:Fine. Say it in his ear please.

Phil Watson:”Problems

Derek Jones: OK, now say the sentence with the word “problems” in it.

Phil Watson:Excuse me, big Boss, I’m having some problems with the project.

BIG BOSS: “Problems!I don’t want problems, I want solutions”.

Phil Watson: Brilliant!How is it powered?

Derek Jones:Aha!You’ll enjoy this light energy. It won’t need a new battery. Both the eyes contain photo-sensitive cells which absorb the solar energy.These cells then power the motor located here under each arm.Now as everybody knows, when you have this kind of configuration-

Edward Green: Sorry,Derek,would you mind explaining that in the other way?

Derek Jones: I’ll keep it simple. The important thing is that this is a major breakthrough.All the toys will represent the very latest in technology.

Phil Watson: I can see that. It’s very impressive.

Edward Green:Thank, Derek.

Phil Watson:Thanks for the demonstration.

Derek Jones: Any time.

MS Wong:Tell me, do these toys work?

Clive Harris:YES.

MS Wong:How old are they?

Clive Harris: Some of them are Victorians. No microchips in these.All clockwise. But some of them are ingenious.

Task1 Translate:

An ingenious person; I need circuitry for this device; it is the latest computer of this firm;who can clarify this project?this mechanism contains solar cells; the cells absorb solar energy; I need a solution of this problem; turn the bolt clockwise;all depends on money;select the drigger wordэ it is the major part of the circuitry,we represent a new product



a wide range-широкий ассортимент

depend on- зависеть от

same- тот же самый

be able= can-мочь

circuitry-схемы подключения

the latest prototype- самый последний образец

recognize – узнавать

certain- определенный

to record- записывать

trigger word- ключевое слово

to mean-иметь в виду

solutions- решения

to explain= clarify - объяснить

voice- голос

to select- выбирать

each time- каждый раз

to contain-содержать

sensitive- восприимчивый

cells- ячейки,элементы

to absorb-поглощать

to locate- располагаться

major – главный


to represent- представлять

clockwise- по часовой стрелке

ingenious- гениальный

Explain how it works:


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 432. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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