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Word Study. Exercise 1. Make up English-Russian pairs:

Exercise 1. Make up English-Russian pairs:

experience сцена

department клумба

tutorials опыт

psychology практические занятия

lawn курс

equipment дополнительный

stage факультет

flower-bed лужайка

course психология

optional оборудование

Exercise 2. Give antonyms of the following words:

to arrive, to receive, inexperienced, to enter, to start, awful, to find, incompetent, modern, external, domestic, optional, wide, ancient.


Exercise 3. Make up adverbs with the suffix –‘ ly’ and translate them:

active, optional, internal, compulsory, special, brief, final, primary, theoretical, central, external, permanent.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with words given below:

final, brief, primary, modern, additional, theoretical, external, compulsory, physical.

1. Is English optional or … at your University? 2. He teaches at a secondary school and his wife at a … school. 3. The practical and … aspects of language teaching are inseparably linked. 4. Internal examinations are those organized by the school itself; … examinations are set by outside examining boards. 5. The problems that students have in their first year are different from those they have in their … year. 6. Is English your main or … subject? 7. After a long discussion the headmaster gave a … summary. 8. The school building is old, but the gymnasium is … and well-equipped. 9. We must promote both the mental and … development of children.

Exercise 5. Give an expression for:

1. a person who supervises a whole school;

2. an exercise in which pupils write down a text which the teacher reads to them;

3. a group of pupils who are taught together;

4. a period when students have no classes;

5. the money paid by government to students to help them;

6. someone who has completed a university;

7. a course of further study at university;

8. a subject studied in addition to a main subject;

9. an official document showing that someone finished school;

10. a university teacher in Britain who guides the studies of a small group of students or an individual.

Exercise 6. Say in which room of school pupils do the following?

1. draw, paint;

2. do phonetic drills with the help of tape-recorders and microphones;

3. make things of wood and metal;

4. change their clothes for sport;

5. borrow books;

6. eat school dinners;

7. perform plays;

8. have cookery lessons;

9. gather for a conference or a concert;

10.listen to music.

Exercise 7. What do we call the following?

1. the science of the universe, the stars, planets;

2. the science of numbers and space;

3. the school subject dealing with painting, drawing;

4. the school subject which includes physical training, gymnastics, swimming;

5. the science of life and living things;

6. the subject which deals with climate, natural resources, population;

7. the subject which deals with economic, political and social development of countries.


Exercise 8. Find the words in the text dealing with:

1. the specifications of the academic year at the University;

2. different subjects at school;

3. description of sport facilities at school.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 693. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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