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Text B. The University of Twente

1. The University of Twente (UT) founded in 1961 is one of the newest universities in the Netherlands. It has total of 6,500 students spread over faculties. The UT offers courses of study in social sciences.

2. The UT is the only Dutch University with a campus: studying, living, working and relaxing are in a beautiful landscape which covers an area of about 150 hectares.

3. The campus has extensive sports facilities such as a sport center, athletics grounds, an open-air swimming-pool and artificial grass fields for hockey, soccer and tennis. The “Vrijhof” is the UT’s cultural center, where countless cultural activities take place and range from chamber music and cabaret to pop-concerts. There are also extensive facilities for hobbies and a central library.

4. The UT provides 2,000 of its students with rooms on the campus. The facilities, which are not mentioned yet, include a supermarket, a post-office, a book-shop, a bank, a church, a launderette and a medical center.

5. The campus also has an educational function. The students carry out the greatest part of the management of 150 associations and organizations on campus. In this way they gain experience of managerial, social and organizational work.


Exercise 2. Are the following statements true? If not change them.

1. The University of Twente has a total of 6,500 students spread over twelve faculties.

2. It offers courses in both technical subjects and humanities.

3. The UT is one of the Dutch universities with a campus.

4. The campus has an educational function.

5. There are 150 associations and organizations on campus.


Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences:

1. The University of Twente was founded in ….

2. Its campus is in a … landscape.

3. The campus has extensive sports facilities such as ….

4. The UT’s cultural centre is called ….

5. The UT provides 2,000 of its students with ….


Exercise 4. The ideas given below refer to some passages of the text. What are these passages?

1. service facilities

2. sports facilities and cultural activities

3. an educational function of campus

4. the UT characteristics

These words will help you understand the text:

causation (n) – причина

conduct (v) – проводить

research (n) – исследование

science (n) – наука

access (n) – доступ

comprise (v) – вмещать, содержать

depository (n) – хранилище

attract (v) – привлекать

from abroad – из-за границы

represent (v) – представлять

supervision (n) – руководство


Exercise 5. Read Text C and choose sentences which contain information about students from abroad.

Text C

1. The London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE) is one of the largest schools of the University of London. It was founded in 1895 with the purpose of investigating social causation.

2. The School is well placed to conduct teaching and research in all the social sciences. It is in the heart of London not far from the centers of government, law, finance, business and journalism in Britain. There is easy access to the British Library and British Museum which together with the School’s own library (the British Library of Political and Economic Sciences) comprise probably the richest single depository of social science material in the world.

3. The School attracts scholars and visitors from abroad. At present about one third of all students, and over half of the graduate students are from overseas – more than ninety countries are represented.

4. For research students, the School provides supervision for the MPhil and PhD degrees of the University of London, but it also values the presence of students who wish to visit the School for shorter periods to carry out their own research or to consult specialists in various subjects.

Exercise 6. Arrange the sentences in accordance with the contents of the text.

1. The London School of Economics and Political Sciences is in the heart of London.

2. The LSE values those students who visit it to carry out their own research or to consult specialists.

3. The LSE was founded in 1895.

4. The students of more than 90 countries are represented at the School.

5. The LSE is one of the largest schools of the University of London.

6. Three libraries comprise probably the richest single depository of social science material in the world.

7. The School provides supervision for the MPhil and PhD degrees of the University of London.

Exercise 7. Choose a heading to the text from those given below:

London University, the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, the LSE Economics Department, the British Library of Political and Economic Sciences.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences below with the verbs in accordance with the contents of the text.

1. The School … teaching and research in

all the social sciences.

2. Both libraries … probably the richest 1. provides

depository of social science material in the world. 2. comprise

3. The School …scholars and visitors from abroad. 3. values

4. For research students it … supervision 4. represent

for the MPhil and PhD degrees. 5. conducts

5. The School … the presence of students 6. attracts

who wish to visit the School for shorter periods. 7. founds

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 449. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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