Ex.5. Match the nouns in the left hand column with the verbs in the right hand column.
1. an account of the main aims and tasks of the work done by a particular employee; 2. an organization that provides information about available jobs and finds employees for companies; 3. a job or position; 4. a person who is looking for a job; 5. a specialist consultant who searches for high-level executives; 6. a large sum of money or some other financial enticement; 7. a person who asks for a job, usually by answering an advertisement and attending an interview; 8. a letter sent with a document or goods explaining the contents; 9. an account of a person’s qualifications, interests and work experience, usually sent with an application; 10. a post to be filled by a new employee; 11. the process of attracting qualified job applicants; 12. a piece of paper on which you must answer questions about yourself when you apply for a job