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Fill in the table using information from the text and your own ideas.

If you are a Lower your em­phasis on... Develop and demonstrate more


4. Watch video “How to Relate to Different Communication Styles”. Is it helpful? What person are you – visual, auditory or kinesthetic?


5. Look at the following graph, and discuss the multi-dimension of a person’s cultural identity.


Cultural Differences? Or, are we really that different? [17]

In 1993, I had my first opportunity to visit Russia as a representative of the University of California. I was there to provide some technical assistance in the area of agricultural labor management. "Russians are a very polite people," I had been tutored before my arrival. One of my interpreters, once I was there, explained that a gentleman will pour the limonad (type of juice) for the ladies and show other courtesies.

Toward the end of my three week trip I was invited by my young Russian host and friend Nicolai Vasilevich and his lovely wife Yulya out to dinner. At the end of a wonderful meal Yulya asked if I would like a banana. I politely declined and thanked her, and explained I was most satisfied with the meal. But the whole while my mind was racing: "What do I do? Do I offer her a banana even though they are as close to her as they are to me? What is the polite thing to do?" "Would you like a banana?" I asked Yulya. "Yes," she smiled, but made no attempt to take any of the three bananas in the fruit basket. "What now?" I thought. "Which one would you like?" I fumbled. "That one," she pointed at one of the bananas. So all the while thinking about Russian politeness I picked the banana Yulya had pointed at and peeled it half way and handed it to her. Smiles in Yulya and Nicolai's faces told me I had done the right thing. After this experience I spent much time letting the world know that in Russia, the polite thing is to peel the bananas for the ladies. Sometime during my third trip I was politely disabused of my notion.

"Oh no, Grigorii Davidovich," a Russian graciously corrected me. "In Russia, when a man peels a banana for a lady it means he has a romantic interest in her." How embarrassed I felt. And here I had been proudly telling everyone about this tidbit of cultural understanding.

Certain lessons have to be learned the hard way. Some well meaning articles and presentations on cultural differences have a potential to do more harm than good and may not be as amusing. They present, like my bananas, too many generalizations or quite a distorted view.

Some often-heard generalizations about the Hispanic culture include: Hispanics need less personal space, make less eye contact, touch each other more in normal conversation, and are less likely to participate in a meeting. Generalizations are often dangerous, and especially when accompanied by recommendations such as: move closer when talking to Hispanics, make more physical contact, don't expect participation, and so on.


Have you ever been in a situation like that described in the text?

Can we trust cultural stereotypes?

What should one do to understand the other culture better?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 718. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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