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The Gerund

Gerundial Complexes  
A Complex Subject A   important It is necessary smb’s advisable doing smth It’s necessary his raising artistic standards.  
B   no use It is no good smb’s useless doing smth It’s no use your getting an extra ticket.  
C   does smb’s doing did smth will do His renewing the contract will promote success.  
A Complex Predicative A   to be for smb’s against doing smth I’m against my daughter’s joining the dramatic society.  
B The idea is The main thing is smb’s doing The only wish is smth   The idea is our visiting this gallery.  
A Complex Direct Object A     afford can stand smb’s (not) help doing smth     I can’t stand your talking nonsense.  
B   like love hate mind to avoid smb’s doing smth deny imagine finish enjoy I don’t mind your participating in the rehearsal.    
A Complex Prepositio-nal Object to object to to be used to insist on smb’s to depend doing smth to be grateful for to be responsible Everybody objects to your playing this part. We insist on Peter’s succeeding the director.    
A Complex Attribute plan idea method of smb’s intention doing smth opportunity Michael’s parents didn’t like his idea of going on stage.    
A Complex Adverbial Modifier of time on after before smb’s doing smth in All that happened after the manager’s cancelling the performance.  
of manner by in smb’s doing smth You improved the solo by your fulfilling it with more dramatism.  
of condi-tion without smb’s doing smth You can’t renew the contract without your boss approving it.  
of conces-sion in spite of smb’s doing smth In spite of the main hero being late, the performance started in time.  
of attendant circumstances without smb’s doing smth The concert was postponed without the director being in the know.  
of purpose for the purpose of smb’s with a view to doing smth They opened a cultural centre with a view to the actors interacting with composers.  
of cause for smb’s doing smth I feel happy for your preserving the integrity of Ukrainian theatre.  

Verbs + to Infinitive or Gerund

1 forget + to Infinitive (= forget to do sth) I'm sorry, I forgot to lock the car. forget + Gerund (= forget a past event) We'll never forget visiting Paris.

2 remember + to Infinitive (= remember to do sth) Remember to read the instructions.

remember + Gerund (= recall a past event) / don't remember meeting Al before.

3 mean + to Infinitive (= intend to)

He means to move to Newcastle.

mean + Gerund (= involve)

Working harder means getting more money.

4 go on + to Infinitive (= finish doing sth and start doing sth else) After finishing her BA, she went on to get a master's degree.

go on + Gerund (= continue) She went on watching TV.

5 regret + to Infinitive (= be sorry to)

/ regret to tell you that you have failed.

regret + Gerund (= have second thoughts about sth already done) / regret telling lies.

6 would prefer + to Infinitive (specific preference) I'd prefer to have an early night tonight.

prefer + Gerund (in general)

/ prefer reading a book to watching TV.

prefer + to Infinitive + (rather) than + Infinitive without to / prefer to read a book (rather) than watch TV.


7 try + to Infinitive (= do one's best; attempt) She tried hard to cope with her new job.

try + Gerund (= do sth as an experiment) Try adding some more sauce to your pasta.


8 want + to Infinitive (= wish)

/ want to find a belter job.

want + Gerund (= sth needs to be done)

Your dress wants cleaning.


9 stop + to Infinitive (= pause temporarily)

He stopped to buy some milk on his way home.

stop + Gerund (= finish; cease)

Sfop talking to each other, please!


10 be sorry + to Infinitive (= regret) I'm sorry to hear he has been injured.

be sorry for + Gerund (= apologise) I'm sorry for misunderstanding / having misunderstood what you said.


11 hate + to Infinitive (= hate what one is about to do) / hate to interrupt, but I must talk to you.

hate + Gerund (= feel sorry for what one is doing) / hate making you feel uncomfortable.


12 be afraid + to Infinitive (= be too frightened to do sth) I'm afraid to drive over the old bridge.

be afraid of + Gerund (= be afraid that wha is referred to by the Gerund form may happen) She is afraid of breaking her leg if she jumps over the wall.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 571. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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