Adverbial Clause
| of time
| When the work was done they went home.
| The work being done, they went home.
| Коли робота була завершена, вони пішли додому.
of cause
| 1.As it was late the children went to bed.
2.As there was a storm we stayed at home.
| 1. It being late, the children went to bed.
2.There being a storm, we stayed at home.
| 1.Оскільки було пізно, діти лягли спати.
2.Оскільки був шторм, ми залишилися
of condition
| If the weather permits we’ll go for a walk.
| The weather permitting, we’ll go for a walk.
| Якщо погода доз-волить, ми підемо на
of attending circumstances
| 1.He turned and went out and we followed him.
2.We sat on the balcony and the moon was rising slowly above the hills.
| 1.He turned and went out, we following him.
2.We sat on the balcony, the moon rising slowly above the hills.
| 1.Він повернувся і вийшов, а ми пішли за ним.
2.Ми сиділи на балконі, а місяць повільно піднімався над горами.
Nominative Absolute
| 1.When the lecture was over we left the hall.
2.He stood on deck and his cap was in his hand.
| 1. The lecture over, we left the hall.
2.He stood on deck, (with) his cap in his hand.
| 1.Коли лекція закін-чилася, ми пішли з зали.
2.Він стояв на палубі, з капелюхом в руці.
Phonetics Guide
Part 1. Texts
Unit 1. Mass Media
1. Listen to the dialogue. Pay attention to the pronunciation of ‘th’. Practice reading and reciting the dialogue.
| Kathy! Have you got anything planned for Thursday?
This Thursday?
Yes, Thursday the thirteenth, it’s my birthday.
Your birthday! I thought it was the thirteenth of next month!
No, it’s this Thursday. I’m thirty this year, so…
Thirty… never! I thought you were only about twenty-five!
Thanks! Anyway, I thought we could go out for a meal, or do something to celebrate! Do you think you’ll be able to?
Thursday the thirteenth… let me think… no, that should be fine, I can’t think of anything else that’s happening.
Well, let’s say about six then. I’ll tell the others… and have a think about where to go.
Great. Thanks for inviting me – I’ll see you then, then.
Listen to the conversation. In the underlined words find the phonemes that can be mispronounced by Ukrainian learners of English. Learn the dialogue by heart and practice reciting it.