Press Preferences
1. I ˈmust conˎfess| I don’t ˋbuy a ˌnewspaper ˌevery ˌday.|| When I ˈdo ˈbuy ˏone,| it ˈtends to be The ˎGuardian. || It’s ˈwell ͵written,| and it ˈdoesn’t have a preˈdictable poˈlitical ˋ bias. || It ˈalso has a ˎcrossword| that is eˎxactly| the ˈright ˈlevel of ˎdifficulty for ˌme.||
2. I ˈget The Indeˎpendent | ˈevery ˎday,| and The Obˈserver on ˎSundays.|| They are the ˈonly ˈnewspapers I ˎtrust.|| ̅They ˈdon’t have the ˈobvious poˈlitical aˈffiliˎations | of ˈsome of the ˎother ˌdailies,| they seem ˋrelatively imˏpartial. || They have ˈinteresting ˋsections.|| I ↘listen to the ˎnews| ˈall ˈday ˎlong,| →so| I ˈtend to like the ˋfeature sections of ͵newspapers| ˈrather than the ˈnews reˏporting. || The ˈIndeˈpendent has ↑good ˎcoverage of the ˎarts| – ˈexhiˏbitions,| ˏshows,| ˏconcerts,| reˋviews.||
3. ̅I ˈget The ˋ Mail. || It’s ˈpretty ˈ light- ˎ weight | and ˎreadable.|| I ˈfind the ˎbroadˌsheets| a bit ˈtoo ˎwordy for me.|| The ˈMail has ˈarticles on ͵health,| ͵fashion,| ͵film stars,| ͵diets. || I ˈdon’t like its ˎpolitics, howˌever.|| It’s a ˈreal ˈright-wing ˋrag.|| ˈAnti-ˏEurope,| ˈ xeno͵phobic,| ˈhomoˏphobic.|| I ˎsometimes| ˌwonder ˌwhy I ˋbuy it.||
4. I’m a bit of a newspaper junkie. I read The Sun, The Mirror, The Times, and The Financial Times. I like to get a broad spectrum. The Sun tells me what’s happening to celebs. The Mirror presents the left-wing conscience. The Times has some good features. And The Financial Times helps me with my investment portfolio.
5. I get The International Herald Tribune. It provides a good viewpoint of foreign affairs around the world. And it keeps me in touch with the States. I also get to find out what’s happening in Major League Baseball, and see how my team the Jankees are faring.