| `Hay,| `Jamie,| have you ˈ heard about ˎthis?||
| ˎ What?||
| You ˡknow ˡ Janice ˎJones,| the ˎfilm ˏstar?|| →Well,| phoˡtographers are ˈfollowing her ↑all the ˎtime.|| ˈIsn’t it ˎterrible?||
| ˎPersonally,| I ˡ think that’s ˎher ˌproblem.|| I → mean,| it ˡseems to ˎme| that if you ˡwant to be ˎfamous,| you have to aˡccept all the ˎpress| and the ˎmedia.||
| ˉI comˡpletely disaˎgree.|| ˡEveryone’s got a ˡ right to some ˎprivacy,| don’t you ˋthink?||
| That’s ˎtrue,| but if you ˡsell your ˡstories to the ˎpress,| you ˡcan’t comˡplain ˎmuch.||
| I’m aˡfraid you’re ˎ wrong. || ˡNobody’s got the ˡright to ˎfollow ˌpeople| ˎeveryˏwhere.|| I →mean,| there are phoˡtographers ˎeverywhere,| ˡoutside her ˏhouse.|| It’s ˋ awful. || ˡJust beˡcause she’s got ˋmarried| for the ˡthird ˎtime.||
| You ˡmay be ˎright,| but ˡI think she ˡlikes all the aˋttention| – all the ˎnewspaper ˏarticles| and TˡV ˏprogrammes.||
| ˏWell,| in ˡmy oˎpinion,| ˡthis ˡ shows the ˡmedia is ˙getting ˏworse| and ˎworse.|| I →mean,| ˡlook at all these ˡawful Aˡmerican ˎchat shows on ˌTˌV.|| They’re ˡso ˎbad.||
| I aˎgree.|| You’re ˎright,| there’s a ˡlot of ˎrubbish ˌon ˌnowadays.||
| ˡI think they should conˎtrol what ˌgoes on ˌTˌV.|| There’s ˡtoo much ˎviolence and ˎsex,| ˡall those ˡterrible ‘ˎaction’ ˌfilms,| and ˈeven ˋadverts.||
| I ˡtotally aˎgree.|| It’s ˡnot very ˎnice.|| ˏBut| ˌpeople ˡseem to ˋwant that ˌkind of ˌthing.|| ˎPersonaˏlly,| I’m aˋgainst| too ˋmuch conˌtrol.||
| I’m aˎfraid I ˡcan’t aˎgree with ˌyou.|| ˡI’m in ˡfavour of ↑some ˡkind of conˎtrol.|| I ˡthink it’s ˎnecessary| ˉto proˡtect ˋchildren.||
| ˌMm,| ˡI don’t aˎgree.|| ˉHow can you ˎstop…||
Listen to the following short passages. Lay stress-tone marks in the last two passages. Comment on the parts of the syntagm in the underlined sentences. Transcribe the words in italics and make up 5 sentences with them; lay stress-tone marks in your sentences according to the rules of syntagmatic division. Practice reading the text. Choose 2 passages and learn them by heart.