Тематика заданий итогового контроля
Студент по согласованию с преподавателем выбирает тему из предложенных ниже и представляет свои исследования в виде реферата объемом 10-15 печатных листов. Студент выступает с презентацией своего исследования на последних семинарских занятиях. 1. The different faces of advertising: evolution of term and concept. 2. The early years of American advertising. 3. Advertising in the USA in the middle of the twentieth century. 4. Modern trends in US advertising. 5. The world biggest advertising agencies. 6. William Bernbach: life in advertising. 7. Leo Burnett: life in advertising. 8. David Ogilvy: life in advertising. 9. Albert Lasker: life in advertising. 10. Dan Wieden: life in advertising. 11. Claude C. Hopkins: life in advertising. 12. George Gallup: life in advertising. 13. Raymond Rubicam: life in advertising. 14. Steve Jobs: life in advertising. 15. Modern well-known advertising managers and copywriters. 16. The history of XXX brand. (Consult the teacher on your choice of brand) 17. Insights into effective brand management. 18. Global advertising: opportunities and threats. 19. “Think global, act local” principle. 20. The peculiarities of global branding. 21. Creative advertising vs. Effective advertising. 22. Viral advertising: opportunities and threats. 23. The art of television advertising. 24. Recent trends in TV advertising. 25. The early stage of TV advertising. 26. Ethical and legal in advertising. 27. The ethical code of advertising. 28. The place of marketing research in advertising. 29. Pre—testing in advertising. 30. Post—testing in advertising. 31. The features of effective advertising. 32. A story of success: a famous advertising campaign. (Consult the teacher on your choice)