Speaking. 1. Answer the following questions:
1. Answer the following questions:
(a) Did scientific and technological progress change our life? (b) What scientific discoveries do you know? (c) Does science influence on our ecology? (d) Do you see any disadvantages of scientific and technological progress? (e) How do you imagine your life without refrigerators, TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, radio and telephones? (f) What is the most powerful and greatest invention of the 21th century?
2. Ask your partner questions about:
(a) scientific and technological progress; (b) scientific discoveries; (c) ecology; (d) TV sets; (e) telephones; (f) miracles; (g) atom; (h) information era.
3. Retell the text.
4. How do you understand the joke? Discuss it with your partner. The earth may spin faster on its axis due to deforestation. Just as a figure skater's rate of spin increases when the arms are brought in close to the body, the cutting of tall trees may cause our planet to spin dangerously fast. Grammar pronoun
The personal pronoun is used to refer to someone or something already mentioned (he, she, it etc.), or to refer to the person speaking (I, me etc.) or the person listening (you). Note! I, me, he, she, him, her, you = a person you, we, us = people it = thing they, them = things or people The possessive pronoun shows who the thing being referred to belongs to or is associated with. In English these pronouns change form to show their function.
For example: Q. Whose is this web site? A. It's mine. Q. Does Lynne own this web site? A. Yes, it's hers. Q. Does Lynne own the Internet? A. No. It's ours. Note! My, your, his/her/its, our and their are possessive determiners (sometimes called possessive adjectives). Watch out for the following:-
Indefinite pronouns refer to things or people without mentioning what or who they are.
For example: Somebody stole my car. Does anybody know who she is? Does anyone have something that could help me with anything? Note! For people we use: anybody or anyone | somebody or someone | nobody or no one.