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Writing. 1. Make sentences according to the model:

1. Make sentences according to the model:


Model: comes, she, late, seldom, home- She seldom comes home late.


1) early, get, I, up, always. 2) usually, Mary, before, cannot, bed, to, go, midnight. 3) Always, at me, shyly, looks, he. 4) has, lately, windy, been, it, rather. 5) met, him, have, recently, chance, I, by. 6) summer, here, it, in rains, often, in, usually. 7) him, ever, you, met, before, have, here? 8) ready, yet, she, not, is. 9) can, he, ever, stay, hardly, alone. 10) quite, they, just, come, unexpectedly, have.


2. Form adverbs from adjectives (give two variants where possible):


Near, cheap, shy, hard, nice, fast, quick, good, bright, late, correct, high, bad, lovely, deep, slow, beautiful, wide, happy, angry, fluent, straight, close.


3. Choose the right word:1) The cake smells (delicious, deliciously). 2) She spoke (high, highly) of him. 3) You treated him (bad, badly). 4) She seldom wakes up (late, lately). 5) The plane was (high, highly) in the sky. 6) Mary’s been working very (hard, hardly) (late, lately). 7) Your sister looks (wonderful, wonderfully) today. 8) I was (deep, deeply) touched. 9) The cloth feels (soft, softly). 10) She looked at me (close, closely).


4. Form comparative and superlative degrees of the following adverbs:


Early, deeply, fast, soon, badly, seriously, differently, hard, far, quickly, often, widely, late, cheaply, luckily, coldly, heavily, warmly, much, cleverly, near, sadly, frequently, closely, hastily.


5. Give the correct form of the adverb in brackets:


1) You’ll understand it (soon) or (late). 2) I liked the red dress (well) of all. 3) Which of you live (far) from the school? 4) My sister comes to see our mother as (frequently) as I do. 5) His new car runs much (fast) than mine. 6) Working with children you should speak (slowly). 7) She wrote the last test no so (badly) as the rest. 8) During the examination session students have to work (hard) than during the term. 9) Tomorrow I’ll have to get up (early) than usual. 10) The (soon) you go to see a doctor the (well).


6. Fill in the correct adverb:


Adjective Adverb


7. Fill in the correct forms:


Positive Form Comparative Form Superlative Form


8. Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill the gap with the adverb:


Joanne is happy. She smiles __________.

The boy is loud. He shouts ____________.

Her English is fluent. She speaks English __________.

Our mum was angry. She spoke to us ___________.

My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives ___________.

The painter is awful. He paints __________.

Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano _____________.

This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house ____________.

She is a good dancer. She dances really ________________.

This exercise is simple. You____________ have to put one word in each space.


9. Fill in the correct adverb form (comparative or superlative) of the adjectives in brackets:


I speak English (fluent) __________ now than last year.

She greeted me (polite) ___________ of all.

She smiled (happy) ___________ than before.

This girl dances (graceful) _________ of all.

Could you write (clear) _________?

Planes can fly (high)__________ than birds.

He had an accident last year. Now, he drives (careful) ___________ than before.

Jim can run (fast) _________ than John.

Our team played (bad) ___________ of all.

He worked (hard) _____________ than ever before.


10. Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in correctly:


We were in London. (last week) →

He walks his dog. (rarely) →

She waited. (patiently) →

My father goes fishing. (always) →

Your bedroom is. (upstairs) →

We don't go skiing. (in summer) →

Cats can hear. (well) →

I saw him. (there) →

The girl speaks English. (fluently) →

I have seen that film. (never) / (before) →

Unit 5


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1186. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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