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Chapter 28. The funeral was well, it was a funeral

The funeral was… well, it was a funeral. Evie’s parents kept it very small and low-key. In addition to a few of Evie’s extended family members, Jess was there with Jacob, Nicholas, Vicki, Meg, and Ash. Mina and all of the 32 Leaves’ members were there to support Max. He seemed to have taken the same approach to life post-Evie as I had - numb. I sat with Evie’s parents in the front row, my parents couldn’t make it with such short notice. After the priest conducted the formal portion of the ceremony, they opened the floor to anyone who wanted to speak.

Jess approached the microphone first. I was so proud of her as she kept herself together as she retold funny stories of her and Evie being mischievous and getting in trouble when they were kids. Max walked to the front of the room next, his acoustic in tow. Just looking at him broke my heart even more, and at that point, I thought that feat was impossible. He pulled a stool from the side of the altar area and sat down, his guitar in his lap.

“I never in a million years thought I would I meet someone as perfect for me as Evie was. I still can’t believe that she’s gone. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m just going to play this song.” I had never heard Max sing or play the guitar before; he played the bass and occasionally the keyboard in the band. But he was good, really good. He poured his heart into every word of that song. When he sang the words, “And if you were with me tonight, I’d sing to you just one more time, A song for a heart so big, God wouldn’t let it live,” I almost lost it. I almost broke down in uncontrollable tears. I almost allowed myself to feel all of the pain that was sitting there, waiting to be let into my heart. Almost.

It took every bit of willpower I had to make me move and take Max’s place on the stool once he had finished. I had to sit down because there was no way that my legs were going to hold me up for long. Typically, I would’ve been a little nervous to speak in front of people, especially unprepared, but since my emotion switch was securely on the off position, I was immune to the nerves as well. I addressed the small gathering.

“As you all know, Evie has been my best friend for forever. There really aren’t words that can do her justice; she was my rock, my everything. I hope everyone is blessed enough to have someone as wonderful as Evie in their lives. Despite how awful I feel in this exact moment, and believe me, I never imagined that I could hurt so Goddamn much, I wouldn’t give a moment back. Not one single moment.” I managed to make it back to the pew next to Evie’s mom without tripping on an imaginary stump or passing out cold. I didn’t hear much more of what was said from that point on. I tuned everything out until I saw everyone stand up and start walking towards the door.

Before the funeral, Evie’s parents had spoken with me privately about how they wanted to handle Evie’s things and the dorm for the rest of the year. They gave me her car, just flat out gave it to me. I tried repeatedly to refuse, but they insisted that they wanted me to have it. There were only a few items from her room that they wanted to take with them, a few photos and pieces of memorabilia. They told me that I could keep whatever I wanted and they would send someone to box up the rest for donations. In addition, they told me that they had prepaid for the dorm for the entire school year, and they wanted me to stay. I still hadn’t decided what I was going to do about the following semester, but I didn’t want to tell them that then. Finally, and most importantly, they offered their home to me - anytime, no questions. I would never forget her mom’s words to me, “Scarlett, you are our only daughter now, dear. Our home is your home, whenever you need it or want it. We will continue to take care of you as if you were our own. Evie would want that. We want that.” I nodded and thanked them both. I could not imagine how they could be so selfless and giving at a time when the most precious thing in their life had been tragically ripped away from them. I felt like a selfish bitch because all I could think about was how Evie’s death was going to affect me, how I was going to move on… I had given little thought to the utter devastation that her parents must be dealing with.

Evie’s parents left directly from the funeral home to go back home. They hugged me tightly and reminded me that I could call on them at any time for anything. It should’ve been me saying those things to them. I said my goodbyes to everyone before heading back to the dorms; I needed some alone time. Ash and Meg both asked me several times if I was going to be okay by myself. I assured them that I really needed some time to get my thoughts together and I wanted to have at least one evening by myself. They seemed reluctant to let me go, but I promised that I would call or text them at any point if I needed them and someone would come stay with me.

It was a little after 5:00 when I returned to my room. I just sat on the couch in the silence, I wasn’t really sure what to do. I considered going ahead and cleaning out Evie’s room, but quickly rejected that idea. I was grieving, not a masochist. I thought about reading a book, but I knew that I didn’t have the attention span to focus on anything that required comprehension. I opted to put a movie on. I looked at figures moving around the television, interacting with each other, but I had no clue what was actually going on. I laid down on the couch, still refusing to think about the events of the previous thirty-six hours. My phone alerted me that I had a text message, so I mindlessly crossed the room to retrieve the message.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 422. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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