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Chapter 29

Mason wasn’t naked when I arrived at his apartment, not that I really expected him to be, but he did look incredibly sexy in his pajama pants and wife beater when he opened the door. I, on the other hand, was wearing pathetic like it was a designer label. Of course it had started raining on my drive over, so by the time I dashed from the car to his front door, I was a soaked mess. My stringy hair stuck to the sides of my face; my clothes doubled in weight and clung to my shivering body; and I was sure that any remnants of mascara I had on was streaked down my face. As soon as he saw me, he quickly ushered me inside.

“Scarlett, are you okay?” he asked with true concern. “Come in here, let’s get you out of those wet clothes and warmed up.”

He did not wait for me to answer before pulling me by the hand directly to bathroom and making me strip. I quickly ridded myself of my shirt and pants and my bra was soon to follow. I heard him suck in a breath as I stepped out of my panties, leaving me stark naked in front of him. I stared vehemently into his gray eyes; I wanted him to touch me and to hold me and to kiss me until I was numb. I felt so vulnerable, both physically and emotionally, standing there as Mason’s hungry gaze took in my body like it was the first time he had seen me without clothes. Sensing my need for physical contact, he enveloped me in his arms tight against his body and I exhaled a breath I didn’t even know that I was holding.

“I missed you too, angel,” Mason joked. “Did Evie not keep you warm at night while Max and I were gone?” I flinched when he said Evie’s name; I had forgotten that he didn’t know. The thought of her made me squeeze his neck even tighter.

“I guess that’s a no? Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you and make sure you sleep soundly,” he was still teasing but his voice had dropped an octave into a seductive rumble. “I also see that you have a surprise for me.” His eyes focused on the angry red skin on my outer calf.

“What do you think?” I asked.

“I’m a little shocked to be honest. You’ve never told me that you wanted a tattoo. I would’ve gone with you.” He seemed a little disappointed that I didn’t include him.

“I didn’t really know I was getting it until the last minute. It was a rash decision that I’m afraid I’m already regretting,” I said truthfully.

“It looks really fresh. When did you get it done?”


“Well, I like it,” Mason gave me a goofy grin that I couldn’t help but smile back at. “Now you only need twenty or thirty more and you can look like me.”

“I think this is going to be it for me.” It was already one too many.

“I’m assuming there’s a sentimental meaning behind it since it has those names in it? Something you brought in for them to do?”

I just nodded my head. I knew that he wanted me to tell him the story behind it, why I had chosen that particular design, but I decided not to tell him about Evie’s death quite yet. I wasn’t ready to relive the entire event and my brain needed an escape from analyzing the what-ifs and the what-nows that had begun while I sat alone in my dorm room earlier. Also, I didn’t want his pity. I wanted him to be with me because he wanted to be, not because he felt like he needed to make my hurting feel better, like it was some duty. Not like Ash.

I kissed his neck and deflected the conversation off of any mention of Evie. “I did miss you, smart ass.” I pulled back slightly and smirked. I traced my finger down his jaw line, “Are you ready to show me just how much you missed me?”

He didn’t answer with words. Instead he captured my mouth with his and kissed me with intense passion and fervor. There was no gentle brushing of the lips or timid touching of tongues; it was open mouths, clashing teeth, dueling tongues, and roaming hands. He lifted me up so that I could wrap my legs around his waist and he walked us out of the bathroom and into his bedroom. Our mouths never left one another’s.

Mason lowered me onto the bed with my head nestled into the pillows. He hovered over me still completely dressed and I reached for the hem of his shirt to pull it over his head. He obliged and I was rewarded with the sight of his impressive upper body. I could never get tired of studying the tattoos that covered him, I loved tracing each one, first with my finger and then with my tongue. I looked down at his pants, they needed to go too. I unknowingly said the last phrase aloud and he shook his head and smiled, “Not yet. First, I’m going to show you just how much I missed you, angel. Now, put your hands above your head here and grab hold of the headboard. Don’t move your hands, just enjoy me enjoying you.” I didn’t think twice. I lifted my arms above my head and held the wooden slats tightly. I needed this so fucking bad. I needed to forget everything else.

He lowered himself on top of me to where our bodies were pressed against each other, but not to the point where his weight was heavy on me. He started at the place right behind my ear that I knew he loved, and then made his way down my body exploring every square inch of my body with either his hands, his lips, or his tongue. He left behind a wake of fire, his touch searing my skin and leaving a warmth entrenched deep inside me.

Mason traveled all the way down my leg to my foot and then back up again. He was extremely careful around the raised and irritated skin on my leg. When he reached my already slick folds, he didn’t hesitate to extend the treatment to my most private of areas. He utilized all of his weapons of mass pleasure at once - his tongue flicking my clit, his mouth sucking on my lips, and his fingers deep inside my core. It didn’t take him long to bring me to my first orgasm. He knew my body probably as well as he knew his own, and he loved knowing that he could bring me to the edge and then push me over so fast. I sure as hell didn’t mind either. I had heard that many girls didn’t experience regular orgasms either because the guy they were with didn’t care whether or not she came or didn’t know how to bring her there. I guess I lucked out that my sex coach without sex was so experienced, and I often got to experience multiple orgasms in a night, all by the magic he worked with his hands and mouth.

It took me several minutes to come down from my trip into sensual outer space. Mason continued working his way up my body, rubbing and kissing me, until he reached my face. He hesitated to kiss me, I had never kissed him on the mouth after he went down on me, but for some reason, at that moment, tasting myself on Mason’s mouth seemed like the most natural thing to do. I released the headboard and grabbed the back of his head while rising up to meet his mouth halfway. That was the sexiest kiss I had ever experienced and by the sounds that came from Mason, I think he felt the same. I felt his cock jerk on my stomach and my body instinctively pushed against him. We groaned into each other’s mouth, we were both struggling against the carnal need that was fighting to be fulfilled.

“Scarlett, you have no idea… I’m trying…” he whispered. I cut him off by putting my index finger over his lips to shh him. I used my other hand to reach between our bodies and push down on the elastic band of his pants. He lifted his body so that I could rid him of his last piece of clothing.

When he lowered himself back on top of me, his erection was pressed against my clit and pubic bone. The pressure on my nub alone was enough to drive me crazy with lust. He kissed me softer and slower than he had earlier. I appreciated that he was trying to be gentle and tender, but my body was hungry and desperate.

“More. I need more,” I panted, wiggling my body against his.

Mason’s body stilled and he lifted up so that we were no longer touching. I whimpered at the loss of contact. He locked his eyes on mine. “Scarlett, you said you didn’t want to. Please don’t… I can’t say no to you.” He closed his eyes and shook his head slightly. “I want it to mean something for you. You need to love the person you’re with the first time, make it special. Look, I am hopelessly in love with you, but I know that you love Ash… and sometimes that’s just the way things work out. But I don’t just want to just fuck you, I want to make love to you. Like I’ve never done with anyone else.” He lowered his eyes at his confession.

I was shocked to hear Mason say that he was in love with me, but I selfishly wouldn’t give that moment back for anything - the first time a guy said he loves me. It made me feel comforted and wanted and alive. I knew that I loved Ash, but I was so angry at him. And I was so angry at Evie for dying and leaving me alone. Mason’s touch was the only thing that made me feel better, and damn it, I deserved to feel better. So I did the most selfish thing I could do, I lied.

I cupped Mason’s face in my hands and forced him to look at me as I said the words. “I love you, Rat. I love you so much and I want you to make love to me right now.”

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 412. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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