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Pneumonia [nju:’mounie] (to be) _____ an illness of the lungs and respiratory system. Pneumonia can (to result) ___________ from a variety of causes. It may (to cause) __________________ by infection with bacteria, viruses, fungi [ai], or parasites [‘paeresaits]. Pneumonia may also (to occur) _______________ from chemical or physical injury to the lungs. It may (to induce) _________________ indirectly due to another medical illness, such as lung cancer or alcohol abuse.

Typical symptoms associated with pneumonia (to include) ______________ cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty breathing. Diagnostic tools (to include) ____________ x-rays and examination of the sputum. Treatment (to depend) _____________on the cause of pneumonia; bacterial pneumonia (to treat) ____________with antibiotics.

Pneumonia (to be) ______ a common illness. It (to occur) __________ in all age groups. Pneumonia (to be) _______ a leading cause of death among the elderly and people who are chronically ill. Vaccines to prevent certain types of pneumonia (to be) _______ available.

People with infectious pneumonia often (to have) __________ a cough that (to produce) __________ greenish or yellow sputum and a high fever that may (accompany) ___________________ by shaking chills. Shortness of breath (to be) ______ also common, as (to be) _______ pleuritic chest pain, a sharp or stabbing pain, either felt or worse during deep breaths or coughs. People with pneumonia may (to cough up) ____________ blood. They may (to experience) _______________ headaches, or (to develop) _____________ sweaty skin. Other symptoms may (to include) __________________ loss of appetite, fatigue, blueness of the skin, nausea, vomiting, and joint pains or muscle aches.

To diagnose [‘daiegnouz] pneumonia, health care providers (to rely) ____________ on a patient's symptoms and findings from physical examination. Information from a chest X-ray, blood tests, and sputum cultures may also (to be) _______ helpful. The chest X-ray (to use) ____________________ typically for diagnosis in hospitals and some clinics with X-ray facilities. However, in general practice, pneumonia (to diagnose) _____________ usually based on symptoms and physical examination alone. Diagnosing pneumonia can (to be) _________ difficult in some people, especially those who (to have) _____________ other illnesses. Occasionally a chest CT scan or other tests may (to need) ________________________ to distinguish pneumonia from other illnesses.

Individuals with symptoms of pneumonia (to need) ________________ medical evaluation. Physical examination by a health care provider may (to reveal) _________________ fever or sometimes low body temperature, an increased respiratory rate, low blood pressure, a fast heart rate, or a low oxygen saturation, which (to be) _____ the amount of oxygen in the blood as indicated by either pulse oximetry or blood gas analysis. People who (to struggle) __________ to breathe, confused, or who (to have) ___________ cyanosis (blue-tinged skin) (to require) ____________ immediate attention.

Listening to the lungs with a stethoscope (auscultation) can (to reveal) __________ several things. An important test for detecting pneumonia in unclear situations (to be) __________ a chest x-ray. In some cases, chest CT (computed tomography) can (to reveal) ____________ pneumonia which (not to see) _______________ on chest x-ray. X-rays can (to be) ________ misleading, because other problems, like lung scarring and congestive heart failure, can (to mimic) ________________ pneumonia on x-ray. Chest x-rays (to use) _________________also to evaluate for complications of pneumonia.


LUNG CANCER from http://www.bbcnews.com

There (to be)____ more than 38,000 new cases of lung cancer in the UK every year. It (to be) ____always _______more common in men, particularly those aged over 40. However, recently, the number of women with the disease (to increase) ___________________ considerably and it now claims more lives than breast cancer.

Lung cancer (not to be) ______ infectious and can't be passed on to other people.



Cigarette smoking (to be) _____ the cause of nearly all lung cancers. The risk (to increase) _______________ with the number and type of cigarettes smoked.

One in ten lung cancers (to occur) ____________ in non-smokers. But in a number if cases, exposure to passive smoke (inhalation of other people's cigarette smoke) may (to be) _____ a cause.

Pipe and cigar smokers (to have) _______ a lower risk than cigarette smokers, but it (to be) ______ still a far greater risk than that of non-smokers.

Some rare types of lung cancer (not to relate) _____________________ to smoking. Other causes (to include) ______________ exposure to certain chemicals and substances, such as asbestos, uranium, chromium and nickel. These (to link) _______ all ______________ to lung cancer but are very rare.


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