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Quoting speech

It is very important to quote somebody phonetically correct. Listen to two people having a conversation about a neighbour’s son. Notice how they pronounce the quote marks (‘ ‘). (C34)


A: I said to Terry, I said, ‘Can you open the door for me?’ and he says, ‘Open it yourself!’ Can you believe it!

B: I know. The boy’s so rude! I said to his father, I said, ‘You should do something about the boy’, and do you know what he said to me? He said, ‘It’s none of your business.’

A: Oh, he’s just as bad as Terry. ‘Like father like son’ as they say!


The speakers show the quotes by putting a short pause before and after. Also, their voice is higher on the quotes. Listen and compare these lines. Notice how you can hear quote marks. (C35)


Do you know what he said to me? – ‘Do you know what?’ he said to me.

I said to his father, ‘I said you should do something’. – I said to his father, I said, ‘You should do something.’


Ex.14 Listen to pairs of sentences. Which do you hear first and which second? Write 1 or 2 after each sentence. (C37)

EXAMPLE a. ‘You’re an idiot, that’s what,’ she said. _ 2 _

b. ‘You’re an idiot’, that’s what she said. _ 1 _


1. a) What she said was good. ___

b) What she said was, ‘Good!’ ___


2. a) He said, ‘Linda was married’. ___

b) He said Linda was married. ____


3. a) That’s the thing she said. ___

b) ‘That’s the thing’, she said. ___


4. a) He wrote a letter to the president. ___

b) He wrote, ‘A letter to the president’. ___


5. a) I don’t know what I thought. ___

b) ‘I don’t know what’, I thought. ___


6. a) She says, ‘What she thinks is right’. ___

b) She says what she thinks is right. ___


7. a) ‘Who’, wrote Julius Caesar. ___

b) Who wrote Julius Caesar? ___


8. a) Who said ‘Martin’? ___

b) ‘Who?’, said Martin ___



Ex.15 The speaker is telling some gossip. Put the quote marks in the text. Then listen and check your answer. Try saying it yourself. (C38)





Letters and sounds

Consonants: [f – v - w]

To make the sound [ f ]: Touch your top teeth with your bottom lip. Blow out air between your lip and your teeth.


To make the sound [ v ]: Follow the instructions above, use your voice.


To make the sound [ w ]: Round your lips and put them forward, your lips should be hard and stiff, let the air stream out while relaxing your lips. It is a short sound.


Ex.1 Listen and repeat.

[f ]


leaf coffee fin photo feet


knife laugh



[ v ]


van visa river wave vacuum cleaner


twelve Venice



[ w ]


wheel water square wise


wheat window


Ex.2 Listen and repeat the words paying special attention to sounds

[f - v - w].

leaf – leave

vest – west

vet – wet

Feel – veal - wheel

Fine - vine – wine

Fail – veil – whale


Ex.3 Practise saying the tongue twisters.

I feel fit as a fiddle.

Fight fire with fire.

They’ve arrived at five.

I’ve never forgiven Vera.

We’ll walk whatever the weather.

Walter always knows what’s what.

We wonder, whether the wether will weather the weather, or whether the weather the wether will kill?

Ex.4 Find 12 words beginning or ending with [f] or [v]. The words are written horizontally or vertically.



Ex.5 Complete the conversation using words from the box. (A37)

Ex.6 Add one of these sounds to the start of these words to make other words: [f], [v] or [w]. Think of sounds, not spelling.


1. air ________________

2. ear _______________

3. eel _______________

4. eyes ______________

5. or ________________

6. old _______________

7. eat _______________

8. aid _______________

9. all ________________

Ex 7. Practise this dialogue.


A walk in the woods


Gwen: Did you meet Victor on Wednesday, Wendy?

Wendy: Yes, we went for a walk in the woods near the railway.

Gwen: Wasn’t it cold on Wednesday?

Wendy: Yes. It was very cold and wet. We wore warm clothes and walked quickly to keep warm.

Gwen: It’s lovely and quiet in the woods.

Wendy: Yes. Further away from the railway it was

very quiet, and there

were wild squirrels everywhere. We counted twenty squirrels.

Gwen: How wonderful! Twenty squirrels! And did you take lunch with


Wendy: Yes. About twelve we had veal sandwiches and sweet white wine,

and we watched the squirrels. It was a very nice walk.




Vowels: [3:]

To make the sound [ 3: ]: Round your lips. Put your tongue forward and up a little. It is a long sound.


Ex 8. Listen and repeat the words paying special attention to the sound [3:].

four – fur

warm – worm

walk – work

bed – bird

kennel – colonel

shut – shirt

bun – burn

gull – girl

Ex.9 Practise saying the tongue twisters.

Certainly, sir.

Repeat the verse, word for word.

What a hurly-burly girl Urse is!

The girl heard the nurse work.


Ex.10 Practise the dialogue.


The worst nurse


Sir Herbert: Nurse!

Colonel Burton: Nurse! I’m thirsty!

Sir Herbert: Nurse! My head hurts!

Colonel Burton: NURSE!

Sir Herbert: Curse these nurses!

Colonel Burton: Nurse Sherman always wears such dirty shirts.

Sir Herbert: And such short skirts.

Colonel Burton: She never arrives at work early.

Sir Herbert: She and … er… Nurse Turner weren’t at work on

Thursday, were they?

Colonel Burton: No, they weren’t.

Sir Herbert: Nurse Sherman is the worst nurse in the hospital, isn’t she?

Colonel Burton: No, she isn’t. She’s the worst nurse in the world!!!

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 710. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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