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Introducing tones.

Every sentence in the English language has a melody, or tone. According to the meaning of what you say, your voice can go up (/) or down(\). Listen to the following conversation, paying special attention to the tone of every sentence (C63).

Sid: Shhhh! \

Joe: What? \

Sid: Bear! \

Joe: Bear? /

Sid: Bear! \

Joe: Where? \

Sid: There! \

Joe: Far? /

Sid: No! \

Joe: Near? /

Sid: Yeah! \

Joe: Run? /

Sid: Run! \


Ex 16. The responses to the pairs of sentences a and b below are the same, but the speaker uses a different tone. Listen and draw a line in the box to show if the voice goes up or down. (C65)


a) Let’s go for the weekend. Where?

b) Let’s go to Llantisiliogogogoch. Where?


1. a) I know who stole your glasses. Who?

b) It was Mickey Mumpkin. Who?


2. a) I’ve got some bad news for you. What?

b) I’m afraid your house has burnt down. What!


3. a) Excuse me, can you help us? Yes?

b) Can you take a photo of us

with this camera? Yes.


4. a) We’re going for a picnic if you want to come. When?

b) At midnight tonight. When?



Ex 17. You will hear just the responses from ex.16. Listen and decide if it is the response to a) or b). (C66)

EXAMPLE _ b __ 1. ___, 2. ____. 3. _____. 4. _____.


In conversation we often refer back to something we said before. This is ‘old’ information, and the voice normally goes up in the end. We also tell the listener things we haven’t mentioned before. This is ‘new’ information, and the voice normally goes down at the end.


Ex 18. The responses to the pairs of sentences a) and b) below are the same, but the speaker uses a different tone in each response. Draw lines to show if you think the voice will go up or down. Then listen and check. (C80)


a) The train’s cheap. The bus was cheaper.

b) Why did you take the bus? The bus was cheaper.

1. a) Was the movie good? The book was better.

b) Why did you read the book? The book was better.


2. a) What time’s lunch? Lunch is at two.

b) Let’s go swimming at two. Lunch is at two.


3. a) I’d like a leather one. They are all leather.

b) Why are they so expensive? They are all leather.


4. a) Let’s go tomorrow. It’s closed tomorrow.

b) When is it closed? It’s closed tomorrow.


5. a) Where’s menswear? Menswear is upstairs.

b) What’s upstairs? Menswear is upstairs.

6. a) The fish is expensive. The steak’s more expensive.

b) Why didn’t you have steak? The steak’s more expensive.


7. a) What happens if one of them breaks? They all have a guarantee.

b) This one has a guarantee. They all have a guarantee.




Letters and sounds

Consonants: [m – n - ŋ]

To make the sound [ m ]: Stop the gap with the lips, so air goes through nose.

To make the sound [ n ]: Stop the gap with tongue and tooth ridge, so air goes through nose.


To make the sound [ ŋ ]: Stop the gap with back of your tongue and top mouth, so air goes through nose.


Ex.1 Listen and repeat.

[ m ]


mouth mouse marmalade jump autumn


smoke comb



[ n ]

nose night snow win dinner


listen open


[ ŋ ]


king sing bank sink finger


ring strong

Ex.2 Listen and repeat the words paying special attention to sounds [m - n - ŋ].

me – knee

mine – nine

comb – cone

win – wing – wink

sin – sing – sink

ban – bang - bank

Ex.3 Practise saying the tongue twisters.

No nonsense now.

Nick is no genius.

Any news? - No news. - No news is good news.

No offence intended. – No offence taken.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 682. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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