Creating forms using (Form Wizard)
According to your answers, the Wizard will ask you some questions and create a form. You can also customize the form in the way you want. Exercise: Use the wizard to create a form that depends on (employee- table) Steps: · Select [forms] and click [New] as in the following figure. Notice the appearance of [New Form] as follows: · Select (Form Wizard) and highlight (Employee Table) as a record source for the form. · Click (ok). Notice the appearance of following [Form Wizard]:
· Click the button ''>> '' to insert all the fields or click the button '' > '' to select the fields you want to insert in the selected box field then click [Next] so, the following figure appears: · Click next, the following figure appears: · Select (Layout View) you want for the form and click next. · Click (Next), the following figure appears: · Highlight the Style of form you want for the form and click (finish). · Notice the appearance of the form as in the following figure: Notice: The design of the form created by the wizard can be modified if you desire. 2- Creating forms using (Design View): Creating a form using (Design View), looks like sitting at a table surrounded by useful tools to carry out the tasks assigned for you. Exercise: Using (Design View) to create a form depending on (Employee Table): Steps: · Select (Forms) then click (New) as before: · From (New Form), select (Design View) and click (Ok) so, the (Form appears in (Design View) Notice the appearance of (Field List) of Employee Table. · Select the first field and click (shift). From (list), select the last field to select all fields. · Insert the fields to (Detail Section), as in the following figure. From (View), select (Form View) as in the following figure:
Notice the appearance of the form as (Form View) as in following figure:
Form Sections The form consists of four basic sections, they are: · Form Header It includes the data inserted at the head of the form, such as the company's address, institution or any other statement that clarifies the nature of the data it displays. · Form Footer It includes the data inserted at the foot of the form, such as the total of employees and (form conclusion). · Page Header It includes data that appear at the head of every page such as (Field Titles)displayed by the form. It includes also the slogan of the company or institution whose data are displayed by the form. · Page Footer The page footer includes the data put at foot of every form page such as (Page Number and Date) etc. Exercise: Display and add data for sections of (Employee Form) created in the previous exercise. To do this, follow these steps: · From (view Menu), select (Design View). · Activate the icons (Page Header/Footer) and (Form Header/Footer) as in the following figure:
Notice the appearance of (Form Sections) in (Design View) as in the following figure:
· Select the (label) tool from (Tool Box) as in the following figure:
· Insert (label) once in (Form Header) and another in (Form Footer). · Edit in the first tool (Employees Data) and in the second edit "Ministry of Education." · Make the necessary formats.
Ways of (Form View): You noticed that it is possible to use more than a way to display (Form View) and to shift these ways, you can select (Form View) as follows:
The following figure shows the different ways for the (Form) according to (Form View).
Through (Form View) of "Datasheet" you can display the records in columns and row formats, so you can view many of the records at the same time. Through (Form View), you can go through a single record at a time. Record Navigation: In both ways of (Form View) and (Datasheet View), you can navigate across records, add a record, reach to a certain record or view the total number of records in the file of data. The following figure illustrates the functions of the navigating buttons in the form.
1. The first record. 2. The previous record. 3. The present record, you can edit the record number and click on the entry key to navigate to a certain file. 4. Next record. 5. The last record. 6. New record. • Add, Delete Records: You can add and delete records in (Form view). 1. This button displays a new record to fill. 2. This button deletes the present record.
• Sort, Fitter and Find Data: You can sort records in the form, according to data in a single field.
Steps: 1. Sort the records in (descending / ascending) order. 2. Click on one of the buttons of (filter Factor) to decide on the records that will be displayed in the form. 3. Search for values and exchange them in records. Exercise: 1. With your teacher's help, attempt to do the following: 2. Navigate across the records of the (Employee Table). 3. Add and delete an employee's data. 4. Sort the data of a column name in an (ascending) order and search for a certain name.