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Part Two

Data and Information security

Hacking of information and Data

As a start, What is Hacking? How it happened? Who are Hackers?


It is an attempt to hack into a computer from an unauthorized person with

the purpose of …….

1- Going through data

2- Robbing data

3- Corrupting information

4- Causing disorder in processing Procedures

Hacking Types:

Intended Hacking:

Some people from external sides try to hack into the computer in an

unauthorized way for different reasons that may differ according to the

nature of the hackers. Hackers are classified as follows:

1- Hackers. 2-Competing sides.

3- Foreign enemies 4- Inner enemies.

Unintended Hacking:

Hacking occurs because there are errors in the computer software that may

expose the computer to the same problems that result from the intended


Who perform hackings:


They are distinguished people with an accurate knowledge of computer

software and a high ability in programming


They are people with relatively limited experience in programming and they

search for ready made programmes to use in hacking.

Security Concept

Security means also managing and organizing relationships and

communications inside the system without an effect on computer users.

- Security does not prevent crime or hacking but when the security

system is strong, hacking Data will be …

1- Expensive 2- needs a long time 3- Easy to discover



Information Ethics

What is mental property and how to protect it?

When you deal with data, you need software that can help you organize

and analyze Data and you need to make the necessary processing to get to

the correct information. The owners of these programmes must protect their

mental property. This is what we call mental property and how to protect it.

We find that computer programmes are protected by laws such as…

Publishing and Copyrights.

Copyrights --

Copyrights are given to any person who had mental production and has not

published it. Copyrights mean that no one is allowed to copy or publish any

part of it. This is considered breaking the laws of Copyrights.

International agreements

These agreements are considered licenses to deal with the programmes.

The license is an important part that should be enclosed with the programme. It

starts with a title of "Giving Liceses " that explains how to use the programme

and the restrictions imposed on borrowing or hiring programmes and also the

gurantees defining the programme.

Where can we find programme licenses?

- When you buy any programme, you will find the license agreement in one

of the following forms:

- Handouts attached to the product.

-A print out in the user's guide inside the cover.

- A web page from the programme

Information negative sides:

Information has a vital role to play in all the sectors especially at the

sites of decision-making. The power of the information sector became the

main criterion for the comprehensive economic power in the society. It is

the feedback that helps to achieve the stability of the international system.

Information has a positive and important effect on the national security,

education, health, economy, the state's policy and on our life in general.

We see and hear about satellites for spying that know no limits or

privacies for any country. These satellites can hack on the sovereignty of

any country. Foreign mass media transmit whatever they like of false

information about other countries. The main aim here is economy. We

notice that information technology has a great effect on our life and can

control our culture and knowledge.

The danger of the information technology lies in the fact that it robs the

people their identity. This is clear in the book of Cross Roads by Dr.

Hussein Kamel Bahaa El-Deen; the Ex-Minister of Education in Chapter

Three entitled "The Retreat of the Morals and the Sovereignty of their

Material Values"

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 466. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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