Syntactic functions of modals.
A modal verb in combination with the infinitive which follows it forms a compound modal predicate. (складений дієслівний присудок) You should read books. (A compound modal predicate) Forms of the Infinitive The infinitive of transitive verbs has 4 active forms and 2 passive ones.
The infinitive of intransitive verbs has only active forms.
Modals have primary and secondary functions. For example, the primary function of ‘must’ is to express obligation and the secondary – logical assumption. We must be very careful. (Ми мусимо бути дуже обережними.) Jane must be very careless. (Джейн, напевно, дуже неуважна.) In the primary function modals are usually followed by indefinite infinitives. He can’t leave yet. (не може) The report must be finished by tomorrow. (має) In the secondary function modals can be followed by all forms of the infinitive. Modals in such sentences refer to the present while the infinitive indicates the time reference of the action. So, depending on the context, “ You might have been sleeping” can mean: I suppose (now) you were sleeping (at a moment in the past). I suppose (now) you have been sleeping (for a period of time before the moment in the present). I suppose (now) that you had been sleeping (for a period of time before the moment in the past). UNIT I: ‘WILL’, ‘WOULD’, ‘SHALL’, ‘SHOULD’, ‘OUGHT’