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1. Formal or official arrangements: The Prime Minister has announced that there is to be an election on May. I was on holiday in Greece when I heard there was to be an election back home.

2. Arranged actions that failed to happen. (To be to + perfect infinitive): I was to have helped with the performance, but I got flu the day before. (I didn’t do it.)


I needn’t have done it = I did it and then realized that it wasn’t necessary.

I was to have done it = I didn’t do it but it was necessary/ arranged.

3. Orders: You are to stay here until I return. All staff are to wear uniforms.

4. Asking about what someone should do: What am I to tell her?

5. Formal instructions: This medicine is to be taken after meals.

6. Talking about a time in the past to say what happened later (that was destined to happen and did actually happen = “Этому суждено было случиться”): She was to become his wife. = Їй судилося стати його дружиною.

7. Circumstantial ability (often with the passive form of the infinitive) = used to say that something can be seen, found, or heard somewhere: He was often to be seen in pubs. The ring was nowhere to be found (=could not be found).

8. In Type 2 conditionals to talk about an imagined situation: If I were to see her again I wouldn’t recognize her. (Якби мені довелося її побачити …)

9. In Type I conditionals to introduce an aim when you are saying what must be done in order to achieve it: If humans are to survive as a species, we must address environmental issues now. (Якщо людство розраховує вижити як вид, ми мусимо звернутись до проблем навколишнього середовища зараз.)

Ex 5 Choose the more appropriate alternative to complete the sentences.

1. The meeting was to have taken place in the hall,

a) but had to be cancelled. b) and was well attended.

2. She was to have appeared with Elvis Presley in his last film
a) and was a tremendous success. b) but the part went to her sister.

3. Later, in Rome, I was to meet Professor Pearce.

a) but she left before I got there. b) and was very impressed by her ideas.

4. The twenty police officers who were to have gone off duty at 8
a) went to the Christmas party. b) had to remain in the police station.

5. After the war he was to teach at London University.
a) but no money was available to employ him. b) for 10 years.

Ex 6 Say it in English using ‘should’, ‘need’ or ‘was’ + perfect infinitive.

1. Даремно ти прийшов так рано. Спортзал ще зачинено.

2. Не слід було дзвонити так рано. Вони зазвичай встають пізно.

3. Він мав прийти до спортзалу, але проспав.

4. Мені слід було йому подзвонити.

5. Мені дуже приємно, але нащо ж ви купили такі дорогі квіти.

6. Він мав купити квіти, але замість цього купив цукерки.

7. Не слід було купувати їй квіти. У неї на них алергія. (be allergic to)

Ex 7 Put an appropriate verb of obligation or willingness in its correct form into each gap. The verbs are ‘must’, ‘have to’, ‘need’, ‘be to’, ‘should’/ ‘ought to’, ‘would’, ‘shall’ and ‘will’. Identify their meanings.

1. I really think you..................................................... get your hair cut.

2. What’s wrong with this stove? It ………………………… (not) light.

3. The performance was a success. I.…… (not/ worry).

4. I’m really tired. I wish I ………………..… (not) study on Saturdays.

5. My wife got ill in the middle of the night and I ……… call the doctor.

6. It's my mother's birthday next week. I ……… remember to buy her a present.

7. No one likes …………………….… work at week-ends.

8. We … have met near the theatre but when I came there was nobody there.

9. You … come with me if you don't want to. I don't mind going on my own

10. I have a really bad memory for phone numbers. I … look them up in the book.

11. The museum is free. You ……………………………… pay to get in.

12. Shall I make the final choice right now? – No, you …………………

13. The waiter had to change the plates several times, …………..… he?

14. We agreed that that the next discussion ……… be held in November.

15. Why ………………………………….… I feel guilty about it?

16. Her children used to ask her to tell them about Africa, but she … refuse to.

17. It’s the first time I’m taking an interview. I … (never/take) it before.

18. He … have notified the police of the burglary. (It was silly of him not to do it)

19. According to our Constitution, the government … take care of children.

20. Do exercise 12 on page 40. – ………… we do it orally or in writing?

21. You ……….… not have crossed the street when the red light was on.

22. Don’t worry. You really worked hard. You … pass your exam easily.

23. He was a smart boy. I ……….… (not) explain anything to him twice.

24. ……………………………………… you mind not smoking in here?

Ex 8 Express the same idea using modal verbs of necessity and willingness.

1. It’s not obligatory for her to come if she doesn’t feel like that.

2. A written note: All competitors are obliged to arrive by 10:00 a.m.

3. I’m in a hurry. What if I ask you to give me a lift?

4. He dropped from university. That was a wrong decision.

5. It is forbidden to remove this book from the library.

6. It isn't necessary for students to pay for another try to pass their exams.

7. I strongly advise you to watch that film. It’s wonderful, take my word.

8. It wasn't necessary to make reservations at the restaurant, but they did.

9. My car was still being repaired and he refused t o let me borrow his car.

10. I hate to make the trip this time of year, but it’s really important for me.

11. Mum, is it really necessary for me to go to school today? It’s so cold outside.

12. Is it necessary for us to stay for the whole show?

13. It’s awful that people throw litter on the beach. It looks and smells horrible.

14. I insist that you should stay in bed for a few days until you feel better.

15. We left too early. It wasn’t necessary for us to leave at 10 o'clock last night as the bus didn’t come until it was 12 o’clock anyway.

16. We've been staying in a hotel for the last two weeks so there has beenno necessity to cook our own meals. (Pr. Perfect)

17. Fortunately, it wasn’t necessary for Tom to walk home from school on his own yesterday. Mrs. Brown gave him a lift.

18. I strongly advise you to go to that new French restaurant in town. It's the best restaurant I've ever been.

19. You were supposed to be working when I came into the room, not talking.

20. What do you want me to get for dinner?

Ex 9 Say it in English usingmodal verbs of necessity and willingness.

1. Ти можеш не турбуватись про мене. Я про все домовився. Жодних проблем не повинно з’явитись.

2. Даремно я намагалась йому все пояснити. Він ніколи мене не слухає.

3. Коли вони жили тут, вони часто сварились через гроші. (row about)

4. Ти не повинен здаватись. Спробуй ще раз.

5. Чи треба тобі повторювати весь експеримент з самого початку?

6. Тобі не треба було говорити з нею таким тоном, вона образилась.

7. Нам не довелося довго чекати, він з'явився хвилин через десять.

8. Ви обов'язково повинні зайти до нас на чашку чаю.

9. Поговори з нею з нею ще раз, будь ласка.

10. Я мушу взяти відпустку хоча б на тиждень. Я дуже стомився.

Ex 10 Translate the following quotations into Ukrainian. Note the use of modals.

1. I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. (Th. A. Edison) 2. I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific. (J. Wagner) 3. Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months. (O. Wilde) 4. Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. (Plato) 5. To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. (J. Pearce)


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