Using ‘Will’ and ‘Would’ we may refer not only to the future actions, but also to the present and past ones.
1. Referring to future actions we can express the following meanings: - pure future (in the situations which we cannot control): Jill will be two years old next month. She said Jill would be two next month. - prediction: I think he’ ll win the game. He will probably come later. - promise and intention: I will help you. Dr Weir will see you now. - determination: I’m going to get out of this hole; I `will make money. - order: You will do exactly as I say. Stop shouting, will you? - request and refusal: Will/Would you help me?– No, I won’t.
2. Referring to present or past actions we can express the following meanings: - persistence in not doing something on a particular occasion (only in the third person): The car won’t start (now). It wouldn’t start yesterday either. (Машина ніяк не хоче/ не хотіла заводитись). - habits/ characteristic behaviour: I’ve told him a hundred times but he ` will smoke in bed. (… він постійно палить в ліжку) Whenever I had to go to town, Ron would give me a lift. (... Рон зазвичай підвозив мене).
- assumption (припущення): Ring his home number. He ’ll be at home now. He’ ll be expecting a call from you. He’ ll have finished his report. (Подзвони йому додому. Він напевно буде вдома зараз. Він напевно очікує твого дзвінка. Він напевно вже закінчив доповідь.)