Студопедия — Questions. 1. What is one of the main rules of polite behaviour?
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Questions. 1. What is one of the main rules of polite behaviour?

1. What is one of the main rules of polite behaviour? 2. Why must you try not to "drop in" on people at mealtimes? 3. Why must you take care not to be late if you are expected at a certain hour? 4. What does the well-known satirist Emil Krotki have to say about the guest who turns up late? 5. Why will your hosts be even more annoyed if you don't turn up at all? 6. Why must you let them know beforehand that you will be late or not coming at all? 7. Who should you greet first on your arrival? 8. Who is supposed to introduce you to the guests? 9. Who is first to take his seat at table? 10. What is the sensible thing to do if for some reason or other you happen to be upset? 11. Why had you bet­ter hide your disappointment, ill temper, etc.? 12. Why must you be­have as if nothing has happened? 13. Why is it important to keep cheer­ful? 14. Why mustn't you make a fuss if the tastes of your hosts happen to be different from yours? 15. Why is it annoying if a guest starts an ar­gument? 16. Why had you better speak to the point when talking art, discussing a literary work, etc.? 17. Why is it unadvisable to make use of this chance to demonstrate one's knowledge of a subject? 18. Why is it necessary to keep one's temper when arguing a point?


Ex. 38. Read and discuss the text.


after Ring Lardner

My husband has to spend almost all his time in the theater and that leaves me alone in a hotel, if his musical is running out-of-town, and pretty soon people find out whose wife I am and introduce themselves, and the next thing you know they are inviting us for a week or a week­end. Then it's up to me to think of some reason why we can't come. Ben absolutely hates visiting and thinks there ought to be a law against invitations. After a couple of visits Ben thought of a method of putting off people. He would write himself a telegram and sign it with the name of one of the famous producers, and leave the telegram with his secretary with the instructions to send it to us twenty-four hours later. When it arrived at whatever place we were, we would put on long faces and say how sorry we were, but of course business was business, so good­bye. There was never any suspicion even when the telegrams were ridic­ulous, like this one:

Both the leading actors have laryngitis Stop Score* must be rewritten half a tone lower Stop Come at once Stop

C. B. Dillingham


However, if we happened to be enjoying ourselves, then Ben would say to our hosts that he wasn't going to let any theatrical producer spoil his fun.

Last September we were invited to come and spend a week with a nice, intelligent couple, the Thavers. "I promise you," Mrs. Thayer said, "that you won't be disturbed at all; we won't invite people in. I won't allow Mr. Drake to even touch the piano. All day he can do nothing or anything, just as he pleases."

We accepted the invitation. "If they stick to their promise, it may be a lot better than staying in New York where my producer won't give me a minute's peace," said Ben. "And if things aren't as good as they look, we always have that telegram."

The Thayers met us at the station in an expensive-looking limousine.

"Ralph," said Mrs. Thayer to her husband, "you sit in one of the little seats and Mr. and Mrs. Drake will sit back here with me."

"I'd rather have one of the little seats myself," said Ben and he meant it.

"No, sir!" said Mrs. Thayer. "You came to us for a rest, and we're not going to start you off uncomfortable." It was no use arguing.

All through the drive Ben was unable to think of anything but how terrible his coat would look when he got out.

After luncheon we had coffee.

"Don't you take cream, Mr. Drake?" Mrs. Thayer asked.

"No. Never."

"But that's because you don't get good cream in New York."

"No. It's because I don't like cream in coffee."

"You would like our cream. We have our own cows. Won't you try just a little?"

"No, thanks."

"But just a little, to see how rich it is." She poured some cream into Ben's coffee-cup and for a second I held my breath and closed my eyes for fear of seeing Ben throwing the cup in her face.

After luncheon we were sitting in the living-room when Ben rose and went straight to the piano.

"None of that!" said Mrs. Thayer. "I haven't forgotten my promise."

"But there is a melody in my head that I'd like to try."

"Oh, yes, I know all about that. You just think that you MUST play to us! We invited you here for yourself, not to enjoy your talent."

Ben walked over to the book-case and took a book out.

"What book is that?" asked Mrs. Thayer.

"The Great Gatsby*," said Ben. "I've always wanted to read it."

"Heavens!" said Mrs. Thayer as she took it away from him. "That's old! You'll find the newest ones there on the table. We keep pretty well up to date. Ralph and I are both great readers. Just try one of those books in that pile. They're all good."

Ben took a book, sat down and opened it.

"Man! Man!" exclaimed Mrs. Thayer. "You've picked the most uncomfortable chair in the house."

"He likes straight chairs," I said.

"It makes me uncomfortable just to look at you. You'd better take this chair here. It's the softest, nicest chair you've ever sat on."

"I like hard straight chairs," said Ben, fighting down his annoyance but he sank into the soft, nice one and again opened the book.

"Oh, you never can see there!" said the fussy Mrs. Thayer. "You'll ruin your eyes. Get up just a minute and let Ralph move vour chair to that lamp."

"I don't believe I want to read just now," said Ben.

And so it went on all through the afternoon and evening.

Just as we were getting to sleep, Mrs. Thayer knocked on our door.

"I'm afraid you haven't covers enough," she called.

"Thanks," I said. "We're quite warm."

"I'm afraid you aren't," continued Mrs. Thayer to whom it never occurred how annoying she was.

"Lock the door," said Ben ill-temperedly, "before she comes in and feels our feet."

All through breakfast next morning we waited for the telephone call about the telegram. The phone did ring once and Mrs. Thayer an­swered, but we couldn't hear what she said.

After breakfast Ben told Mrs. Thayer that he had a feeling that he must be back in New York.

"That's very strange," said Mrs. Thayer, "because a telegram came to you at breakfast time. I wasn't going to tell you about it because I had promised that you wouldn't be disturbed. I remember the tele­gram by heart. It ran:

Bass drum part* all wrong. Would like you to come to the theater tonight.

Gene Buck

Just as the trainmen were shouting "Board!" Mrs. Thayer said: "Please forgive me if I have done something terrible, but I answered Mr. Buck's telegram. I wired: 'Mr. Ben Drake resting at my home. Must not be bothered. Suggest that you keep bass drums still for a week.' And I signed my name."


Ex. 39. Use the following words and phrases in situations-

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