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EXERCISES ON PREPOSITIONS AND ADVERBS. Ex. 4. Study the following phrases: a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text, 2) use them in sentences of your own.

Ex. 4. Study the following phrases: a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text, 2) use them in sentences of your own.

assistant to smb; to smb's surprise; at the sight of; complain of; get one's name in(to) the papers; be lost in thought; inquire about smth; set off/out; in the direction of; head for; to catch sight of; seize smb by the arm; tear off; to be of help; for some purpose; in this case; add to smb's suffering; to throw light on/upon; the effects of smth upon smb; judge from; a start in business


Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

A. 1. What cure would you suggest... a bad cold? 2. She's... high spirits today and seems to be... good terms... the whole world. 3. They inquired... the terms... express delivery. 4. We felt, not without rea­son, that someone who had failed to do a simple exercise was unlikely to succeed... a more difficult task. 5. The man who rescued the child chose to remain unknown, he didn't want his name to get... the papers. 6. There is a page missing... the book, it looks as if somebody has torn it...... purpose. 7. After graduation he returned... his native village... the purpose... setting... a school there. 8. I couldn't help feeling that the letter had been left lying... the middle... the desk... a definite purpose. 9. The only person who could throw some light... the incident wouldn't talk. We just could not get a word...... him. 10. He did not see the coming car, and I was just... time to seize him... the arm and pull him away. 11. The doctor hesitated to practise the new treatment... the patient, he wasn't sure... the effect it might have... the man's heart. 12. The weather was quickly changing... the worse, and the tourists turned... and headed... the camp. 13. He was far... satisfied... the way things turned out. He sat lost... thought. 14. You'll get the best start... business as a medical man if you go... some out-of-the-way place where you will be dentist, eye speciaiist, surgeon and physician, all... one, but not if you stick around here as assistant... some famous doctor. 15. Judging... the results, you have done a good job. 16. I hear you've been complaining lately... pains... the heart; you should see a doctor. 17.... his relatives' most insistent demand the patient was taken... hospital.


One morning on waking... Philip felt his head swim and going back... bed discovered,... his great surprise, that he was ill. When the landlady brought his breakfast he said he wasn't well and asked..a cup... tea and a piece... toast.

A few minutes later Griffiths came.... They had lived... the same house... over a year, were both medical students, but had never been close. Griffiths had dropped... to inquire... Philip's health.

"I hear you've fallen ill. I thought I'd come... and see if I can be... any help. What are you complaining...?"

"Nonsense," said Philip. "There's nothing the matter... me. I wish you wouldn't worry... me."

"But it isn't any trouble. You'd better let me take your tempera­ture," Griffiths insisted. He sat...... the side... the bed... Philip and talked brightly... a moment. Then he took the thermometer and looked... it. "Now, look here, old man, you must stay... bed. You don't need to send... a doctor. I'll run...... the hospital and bring old doc­tor Deacon... to have a look... you. He'll examine you and he's sure to cure you... whatever you've got."

Philip knew the old doctor, whom all the students treated... great respect, only by sight. All the fuss Griffiths was making... his illness only added... Philip's suffering. But Griffiths was most insistent:

"Here, drink some hot tea." And he put the cup... Philip's lips. "Now go to sleep and I'll fetch the old man."

... the end... the hour he was back... doctor Deacon.

(after "Of Human Bondage" by W.S. Maugham)


Ex. 6. Give the English for the following phrases, using the preposi­tion "at" in its different meanings. Use the phrases in sentences of your own.

I. а) у стола (окна, двери, ворот); на углу; у светофора; у обо­чины дороги;

б) быть дома (в школе); за работой; за обедом (ужином); за столом (во время еды);

в) прибыть на станцию; встретиться на вокзале; сойти на следующей остановке; сделать пересадку в Харькове; остановиться в гостинице; остановиться у киоска;

г) в начале (конце страницы, списка, рассказа); в конце коридора (платформы).

II. а) в.6 часов; в полдень; в полночь; на рассвете; на закате; ночью;

б) в то время; в настоящее время; в назначенное время; в одно и то же время; временами; с интервалами в 5 минут; тотчас: самое раннее.

III. в возрасте 25 лет; в раннем возрасте.

IV. а) смотреть/взглянуть, пристально смотреть (на кого-л/что-л); улыбнуться кому-л; смеяться над чем-л;

б) удивляться чему-л; восхищаться чем-л/кем-л.

V. по чьей-л просьбе; по чьему-л приглашению (настоянию)


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