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Text titles should be in all capitals, other headings should follow title capitalization.

In headings, note that coordinate conjunctions, articles, and prepositions (independent of their length) must be lowercased, unless they are the first word in а heading. Also, the word to in infinitives should not be capitalized unless it is the first word of а heading.

Mapping of the Chromosome of Bacteria Erwinia carotovora

In hyphenated compounds, always capitalize the first element and capitalize the second element if it is а noun or proper adjective or if it has equal force with the first element. Do not capitalize the second if it is а participle modifying the first element or if both elements constitute а single word.

Nineteenth-Century History Russian-speaking Self-sustaining Reaction

For names of laws, resolutions, and decrees, capitalize all words except conjunctions, articles, and prepositions. Do not use quotation marks. Note that, in the following example, the word On is capitalized because it is the first word of the name of the law.

The RF Law On the Fundamentals of the Russian Federation Tax System states that…

Do not capitalize the r in х-ray, even in titles and headings; the х, however, should be capitalized in titles and headings.

Capitalize such words as figure, table, chart, section, chapter, appendix when they refer to а specific numbered item and put a non-breaking space between them and the number.

Fig. 1 Chart IV Table 2

but According to the chart on page 22...

Capitalize parts of text when they are cross-referenced within the text.

See “Materials and Methods” for description of the reaction conditions.

Do not capitalize words such as page, group, sample, and experiment, even when they are used with numbers. Groups of the Mendeleyev’s periodic table are exceptions to this rule.

See page 15 samples 3-7 experiment 2 groups 5а–5d but Group IV

The first word after а colon (a) may be capitalized if it is the first word of а complete sentence and (b) should be capitalized if the element following the colon consists of morethan one sentence or if it is а formal statement or а quotation.

Derivatives and adjective forms of proper nouns are capitalized.

Avogadro's number Darcy’s law Gaussian simulation Cartesian coordinates

However, four kinds of name-derived nouns are always lowercased:

n units of measure (volt, ampere, hertz, darcy, etc., but their abbreviations shall be uppercased, i.e. V, A, Hz, D, etc.)

n minerals (scheelite, forsterite, etc.)

n elements (einsteinium, etc.)

n particles (fermion, boson, etc.)

Adjectives Early (Lower), Middle, and Late (Upper) applied to the Paleozoic, Triassic, Jurassic, etc. should be capitalized if designate formal and globally accepted units of geologic history or stratigraphy.

the Early Permian

Lower Cretaceous sediments

the Middle Devonian tectonic event

Modifiers early (lower), middle, and late (upper) should not be capitalized when designate informal time or position:

eruptions ceased in the early Pliocene time (i.e., volcanic material occurs in the strata the Pliocene starts with, but the exact time of volcanic extinction is unknown)

upper Cenomanian beds (beds occurring closer to the Cenomanian top)

The same rule is applicable to lithostratigraphic units or local stratigraphic scales.

the Upper Timpton subgroup (as a formal unit of the Timpton group)

the Lower Bodrack subformation

Never add words era, system, series, etc., to formal stratigraphic or time names whether they are used as nouns or adjectives. Do not write the Jurassic system, write simply (the) Jurassic. Do add words formation, group, horizon, etc., to the names of lithostratigraphic divisions at their first mention in text. Then use these words when required for clarity.

Personal titles are capitalized when they immediately precede а personal name or names and lowercased when used alone, in general contexts. Following а name or names, suchtitles are generally lowercased, but in formal usage, such as in the main heading of а paper, mail address, acknowledgments, or lists of contributors, they are usually capitalized.

А.P. Kapitsa, Director of the Pacific Institute of Geology

When Kapitsa became director of the Pacific Institute of Geology, he initiated reforms.

The names of academic degrees and honors should be capitalized when following а personal name, whether abbreviated or written in full:

Clyde М. Haverick, Doctor of Law John К. Follett, PhD

Names of planets and their satellites, asteroids, stars, constellations, galaxies, and other celestial objects are capitalized; however, the words sun, earth, and moon are usually lowercased unless they occur with other astronomical names. Also, note that generic terms forming part of а specific name are not capitalized.

the Milky Way the Andromeda galaxy Halley's comet Venus

but Her eyes were blinded by the sun.

Names of topographical features are capitalized. A generic term, such as mountain, desert, river, etc., used as part of а name is also capitalized.

the Rocky Mountains the Sakhara Desert the Volga River the Kara Sea

When а generic term follows more than one name, it is lowercased:

the Caspian and Aral seas the Sahara and Gobi deserts

When а generic term precedes more than one name, it is capitalized:

Seas of Azov and Okhotsk Mounts Elbrus and Kazbek

When а generic term is used descriptively rather than as part of the name or is used alone, it is lowercased:

the valley of the Podkamennaya Tunguska the Mongolian desert the Norwegian coast

Geological eras, periods, epochs, stratigraphic and tectonic divisions, and names of prehistoric divisions are capitalized.

the Silurian Pleistocene sandstone Precambrian age

the pre-Jurassic fossil the Vasyugan formation the Baikit high

the Nizhnyaya-Kheta group (i.e., the group named after the Niznyaya Kheta River)

but the Lower Kheta subformation (i.e., the lower stratigraphic division of the Kheta formation)

Capitalize Latin genus names, but do not capitalize species names, even in titles. Capitalize Latin names of groups higher than genus, but not those of subspecies and varieties.

Simphonaria pectinata var. pectalis (Nom.) Invertebrata Patella sp.

Nouns and adjectives designating political, cultural, historical, and geographical divisions are always capitalized, those referring to direction or area part are not:

Central Europe; the Middle East, the East, Western Siberia

but western Russia, central Europe; northern Africa.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 727. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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