Студопедия — Dawn of the e-Book
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Dawn of the e-Book

The electronic book or e-book (also spelt ebook and eBook) began to emerge in its own right in the last years of the twentieth century, existing as a virtual entity stored in a 1) __________ file. Like many new technologies it suffered from technical troubles, 2) __________ or inappropriate marketing, commercial rivalries that slowed its progress, and initial public scepticism or 3) ____________. Gradually however the electronic book became capable of being easily read from a wide variety of devices, and its vast potential began to be more widely understood. It became clear that the e-book would represent the next leap forward in the onward march of the book. While it can simply represent traditional texts and thus replicate all 4) ___________ literature, the e-book can also become a layered and 5) ______________ multimedia experience. Indeed, the book of the future could even be spontaneously assembled from multiple sources for specific educational or entertainment purposes, by a single reader or group. The e-book therefore holds the promise of adding an unprecedented degree of 6) _____________ to the concept of the book. The book is one of humanity's most enduring cultural artefacts and treasures. As it evolves, the greatest threat to its future is therefore not from technical advances but from the danger of new generations losing the inclination to read. The ability to read and write is our greatest tool in education, and, apart from the family, the single most important medium existing for the 7) _______________ of ideas and the 8) _________________ of an evolving human culture. Why should we continue to value, preserve, read and write books? Simply because of what they represent. Books record our past and progress; contain our experiments, fancies, knowledge, and 9) ____________ wisdom; proclaim our fears and ideas; and champion our ideals, dreams, and hopes for the future. More than any other medium, books carry the heart and soul of our civilisation forward, and keep it 10) ____________. Long live the book! DIGIT EFFECT     DIFFER   EXIST INTERACT   FLEXIBLE   TRANSMIT CONTINUE   ACCUMULATE   ACCESS


Task 2. In some sentences given below unnecessary words appear. Find these words.

1. In 1953, the first high-speed printer was developed opened by Remington-Rand for use on the Univac computer.

2. In 1938, Chester Carlson invented a dry printing process called named electrophotography commonly called a Xerox, the foundation technology for laser printers to come.

3. The original laser printer called EARS was developed at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre beginning in 1969 and completed end in November, 1971.

4. According to IBM, "the very first IBM 3800 was installed in the central accounting office there at F. W. Woolworth’s North American data centre in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1976."

5. The IBM 3800 Printing System was must the industry’s first high-speed, laser printer.

6. A laser printer that operated at speeds of more than 100 impressions-per-minute hour.

7. It was the first printer to combine world laser technology and electrophotography according to IBM.

8. In 1992, Hewlett-Packard released the popular LaserJet 4, the first 600 by 600 dots per inch resolution laser printer nowadays.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 491. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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