Студопедия — The Syntactical Functions of the Verbals or the Non-finite forms of the verb
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The Syntactical Functions of the Verbals or the Non-finite forms of the verb

Functions The Infinitive The Gerund Participle I & II
A subject It was natural to invite her to the party. It will take an hour to get to the place. It gave me pleasure to talk to him. It made him sad to see them again. To live means to create.   Living means creating. It is no use arguing. It was useless (no good) calling him. There was no crossing the river. There is no arguing with them. But: There is no use in arguing. - attribute  
Part of a Predicate (a compound nominal, modal, aspective predicate) The problem is where to get money. The sofa is comfortable to sleep on. To live means to create. You had better stay at home. They must have been waiting for hours. She began (start, finish, cease, go on) to speak fluent English. We used to sit on the porch all day. He was about to talk to the manager. The problem is choosing. His hobby was travelling around… He was against joining the company. Living means taking risks. He went on (start, stop, keep on, give up, burst out, feel like) speaking. He was on the point of falling down. She can’t help (can’t stand) laughing. You must (should) stop smoking. He is travelling. He has been working. The book was written. The goods will be sent. Note: The participles serve to build up the tense-aspect forms of the verb.
An Object He promised to help with the report. We decided to have a rest on the bank. They mean (want) to support you. I am sorry to have disturbed you. We were anxious to visit him.     We enjoy (like, hate, avoid) meeting. He is fond of (is tired of, is afraid of, is proud of,) reading books. I am pleased at (interested in, sorry for, surprised at) meeting them. They remember (don’t mind, rely on, insist on, objects to) visiting the place. The car wants (requires, needs) fixing. The film was worth of watching.  
An Attribute He gave some instructions to follow. He is not a man to trust. She was the first (the last) to speak out. He had nobody to take care of him. She wanted someone to talk to. There is no use (no point, no sense) in arguing. He had a chance of (an idea of, a hope of, the habit of) discussing it with her. I felt a feeling of having been cheated. a painting boy a painted house … a boy, painting … … a boy, who painted a house, being painted the house, painted  
Adverbial Modifiers of purpose, degree (result), unexpected result, time, cause, manner (attending circumstances), Concession They stopped (in order) to shake hands. She studied (so as) to become a doctor. She is clever enough to realize it. I am too tired to argue with you. The wind was so strong as to blow it. The wind was such as to blow the roof. He was such a strong man as to pick it. He awoke & to find himself famous. He left for the Pole & to find his death. She opened the door & to see a stranger. They had a feeling of satisfaction after (on, in, before, because of, for fear of, by, without, despite, in spite of, in case of) finishing the work in time (being noticed).   (While, when, as if, if) Reading the book (asked about the book), the girl smiled. Having never seen the bear, the boy got feared. You can catch a cold, sitting in a draught.
Parenthesis To make a long story short, …… To put it shortly (mildly, roughly), To tell the truth, …… To begin with, …… To be short (sure, frank), …. To say the least, …… To make the things worse, ….. To say nothing of, …..   Speaking frankly, …… Telling the truth, …..  


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