EXERCISES. Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:
Ex. 1. Answer the following questions: 1. How did Mr. Gregg happen to meet Lautisse? 2. What was their first meeting like? 3. Why did Lautisse invite Mr. Gregg to his cabin the following day? 4. Why did Lautisse first introduce himself as Monsieur Roland? 5. Why wasn't Mr. Gregg in the least impressed when he heard his new friend's real name? 6. What did the Greggs learn about Lautisse from the ship's librarian? 7. Why did Lautisse accept the invitation to spend a weekend with the Greggs? 8. Why did Lautisse enjoy his stay at the Greggs' so much? 9. Why did the Greggs become suddenly popular? 10. At what exact moment did Gerston appear on the scene? 11. What was Gerston's advice to Mr. Gregg? 12. Why did Lautisse think the incident with the fence a great joke?
Ex. 2. Translate the following passages into Russian: 1. From "Everybody knows by this time..." to "...and then his expression changed." 2. From "His English was good..." to "There was a Miss Ethelyn Bridges on board". 3. From "I told Betsy all about it..." to "...that he came up to our place for a weekend". 4. From "That garden fence is my pride and joy..." to "First, I show you!" 5. From "I argued with him..." to "...he had paint all over him". 6. From "The day after the story appeared..." to "...because it was painted by the great Lautisse". 7. From "In their turn they asked me..." to "The next day fifty". 8. From "'Lautisse was genuinely fond of you..." to "...and signed each one'".