Ex.2. Cut out each statement and glue under Right or Responsibility. Explain why your group decided it was a either
Be treated kindly To ask for help To do my best To complete assignments To a clean and attractive classroom To work in a quiet classroom Use materials neatly and return to correct place To be kind To learn To tell the teacher what I am feeling To be on time to school To follow the teachers’ directions To use my time wisely To be listened to Not to bully others To not bully others To listen to others To complete assignments Ex.3. Match the columns: 1. someone who sells things a. alley 2. a general name for "cows" b. appetite 3. skinny; thin c. boast 4. huge, large, enormous d. cattle 5. without covering or clothing e. drudgery 6. on the whole f. dull 7. improve the quality of something g. entirely 8. wander, walk around without direction h. gigantic 9. desire to eat i. goofy 10. upset, very mad j. hatch 11. funny, silly k. naked 12. boring, not exciting; not bright or sharp l. outraged 13. have difficulty doing something; fight m. outskirts 14. break out of an egg n. peddler 15. brag; say great things about yourself o. portion 16. get bigger, enlarge p. roam 17. small part or section q. slim 18. the suburbs, area around a city r. struggle 19. a narrow passageway or street s. swell 20. hard, uninteresting labor t. upgrade Grammar: the Complex Object and Complex Subject.