Additional Language Exercises. 34 Study the synonyms and fill in the gaps in the sentences below.
34 Study the synonyms and fill in the gaps in the sentences below. a) to teach someone a skill or how to do something Teach, train, coach, instruct 1. You should be _______ in how to use computer technology. 2. Sheila has a natural sporting talent. I don’t really need to ______ her. 3. The school runs courses for bank staff aimed at ________ them how to interview clients. 4. Children as young as eight are ________ to use tools.
b) to teach people that they should think or behave in a particular way. Educate, bring sb up to do sth, brainwash, indoctrinate. 1. The authorities worried that foreign teachers might ____________ their students. 2. What we are trying to do is to ________ young people to be responsible citizens. 3. For years we’ve been ________ by advertising into buying more and more needless things. 4. Children are often ______________ to tell the truth in all circumstances.
c) describing children and young people who are intelligent. Bright, prodigy, precocious, whizzkid. 1. They’ve got some ________ who’s already won National Geography Prize. 2. When I first met him he was a _________ young lawyer fresh out of law school. 3. A _________ child may appear to be cheeky, when having an intelligent conversation with an adult. 4. A 13-year-old child _________ has been awarded a mathematics degree at Polytechnic University. d) to pass a test or examination.