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B) Finding out the information you need.

Example: Find out it the guest requires a room with bath. — Do you require a room with bath, sir?

1. Find out when Mr. Harris confirmed his booking.

2. You don't know if Mrs. Thomas has made a reserva­tion.

3. You want to know if Mr. Jones can change his book­ing.

4. Find out if he will confirm in writing.

5. You want to know if Mrs. Lake is cancelling her res­ervation.

6. You want to know which tour group she is, with.

7. You need to know where her next destination is.

8. You don't know if the tour group has arrived.

9. Find out if the receptionist checked the registration card.

10. You need to know who Mrs. Masters is waiting for.

11. Find out why Mr. Stanley is leaving earlier than ex­pected.

12. You need to know if he wants an early call.
c) Giving advice.

Notice how we use should when giving advice:

Example: The receptionist didn't check the registra­tion cards. — You should always check the registration cards.

1. The guest left his Key Card in his room.

2. The receptionist didn't prepare the arrival list.

3. The guest forgot his Hotel Voucher.

4. The clerk forgot to confirm a booking.

5. The receptionist was not polite to the guests.

6. The reservations clerk didn't note down the customer's name.

XV. Read and translate the text. '

It is important that the hotel receptionist should make sure that guests are registered correctly. A hotel register or more usually, a registration card is used to record the full name, nationality, home address and signature of each guest. Foreign visitors must provide additional information such as passport number and its place of issue and their next destination.

Many hotels use the registration card to find out me about their customers and ask questions about occupation method of payment and purpose of visit.

The receptionist should always check that the registration cards are completed correctly and legibly. What if there is a query? Well, then the receptionist should politely ask the guest for clarification. It is also necessary to make sure that the reservation details have not changed. After this the receptionist can inform the guest of the room number and rate. With that sort of guest, the receptionist should obtain the original hotel voucher and check it against the hotel’s copy. When large tour groups are checking in, it is useful for the tour leader to deal with the registration cards and hand them over to the reception desk himself.

Accurate information on room status throughout the hotel is most important, of course. A room status system must provide clear information and it must be capable of rapid alteration. There are various methods in use from simple manual systems such as the room board to computerized systems such as electronic room status linking receptionist housekeeping, and the cashier's office.

Answer the questions:

What kind of information is requested on registration cards?

Why must the receptionist check completed registration forms?

What should the receptionist obtain from a guest with a travel agency booking?

Why is it useful for a tour leader to deal with the registration cards for a tour group?

Give three examples of room status systems.

XVI. Read the description of the Whitney room status system and draw the flow chart to il­lustrate it.

When a guest checks in, the receptionist looks at the room rack and allocates a room by pushing the slider to yellow. This shows that the room is let. After the guest has registered, the receptionist prepares a rack slip. These rack slips are normally in four parts: in white, pink, yellow and blue. The white copy is placed in the room slot, the pink copy goes into the alphabetical rack, the yellow copy goes to the telephonist and the blue copy goes to the porter's desk. This system makes sure that the house list is kept in alphabetical order.

When a guest leaves, the rack slip is removed from the room rack and crossed through with a red pencil. This is then sent to the other departments and the staff remove the guest's slip. In this way, the house list is still kept in alphabetical order.

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