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The Classical Element in the English Vocabulary

(Latin and Greek)



Early Latin loans Loan-words learnt in a purely oral manner, brought as a result of early Roman commercial penetration: geographical names ending in ~ chester (‘castrum’= fortified camp): Manchester, Gloucester, Lancaster; ass, mule, colony, cook, mill, cup, pepper, pear, kettle, chest, dish, mile, pea, plum, street, beet, wall, wine; ~mon ger („mango‟) – fishmonger, ironmonger, costermonger, warmonger
Later Latin Loans Borrowed in the seventh century when the people of England were converted to Christianity: altar, chapter, candle, creed, cross, feast, disciple, school, fault, mass, monk, sacrifice. Names of the materials brought: marble, chalk, linen. General: month, basket, letter, dish, window, lily, organ, pike, plant, pearl, palm, pine, elephant, rose, library, choir, decline, dolphin, grammar, hymn, mechanical, peach, philosopher, fiddle.
The Latin of the third period Norman conquest in 1066 plus Renaissance brought Latin loans through French: taken from Latin without change – erratum, animal, antenna, genius, fungus, stimulus, omnibus, nucleus, radius, datum, formula, index, radix, series, species, alibi, item, dictum, maximum, minimum, superior, anterior, posterior, prior, inferior, senior, junior; administration and law – alias, arbitrator, client, conspiracy, conviction, custody, gratis, homicide, implement, incumbent, legal, legitimate, memorandum, pauper, prosecute, proviso, summary, suppress, testify, testimony; science and learning – allegory, comet, contradiction, desk, discuss, dislocate, equator, essence, explicit, formal, genius, history, index, inferior, innumerable, intellect, item, library, magnify, major, minor, notary, prosody, recipe, scribe, simile, solar; religion – immortal, incarnate, mediator, memento, pulpit, requiem, scripture; general – admit, adjacent, anatomy, collision, combine, conclude, conductor, contempt, depression, distract,





  exclude, expedition, gesture, imaginary, include, incredible, individual, infancy, interest, interrupt, lucrative, lunatic, moderate, necessary, nervous, picture, popular, private, quiet, reject, solitary, spacious, subjugate, substitute, temperate, tolerance, ulcer.
The Latest Latin Loans (the fourth period) Abstract and scientific words (adopted through writing) of the international character. Abbreviations: e.g. – for example i.e. – that is to say a.m. – before noon v.v. – the opposite viz. – in other words etc. – and so on cf. – compare et seq. – and the following id(em) – the same ib., ibid., ibidem – in the same place p.a., per a. – per annum pct. – per cent op. cit. – a work cited per pro – by proxy, by attorney q.l. – as much as you like s.f. – by the end qu. – as ifsc, scil. – namely
Greek Brought through Latin: scientific and technical terms – histology, physics, psychiatry; a number of proper names – George, Eugene, Helene, Sophie, Peter, Nicholas, Theodor; linguistic terms – antonym, archaism, dialect, etymology, euphemism, homonym, homophone, hyperbole, idiom, lexicology, metaphor, metonymy, neologism, polysemy, synecdoche, synonym; general – analysis, comedy, democrat, dialogue, episode, gymnastics, problem, rhythm, scheme, scene, tragedy, roots in compounds – auto~, chroma~, ge~, ~logos, ~phone, tele~.



Table 5.



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