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Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of the interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theoretical principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well being and overall system.

Practitioners of ergonomics, ergonomists, contribute to the planning, design and evaluation of tasks, jobs, products, organizations, environments and systems in order to make them compatible with the needs, abilities and limitations of people.

Derived from the Greek ergon (work) and nomos (laws) to denote the science of work, ergonomics is a systems-oriented discipline, which now applies to all aspects of human activity. Practicing ergonomists must have a broad understanding of the full scope of the discipline, taking into account the physical, cognitive, social, organizational, environmental and other relevant factors.

There are a number of health and safety problems that may result from continuous use of computers:

· Typing constantly at high speed may provoke repetitive strain injury or RSI, which causes pain in the neck, arms, wrists, hands and fingers.

· Bad work postures and sitting in uncomfortable chairs may cause backache and stress.

· Looking ar the screen for long periods of time, and lights reflecting off the screen, can cause headaches and eye strain, pain and fatigue of the eyes.

· Cathode Ray Tube monitors can emit electromagnetic radiation which can be dangerous to health.


The study of how people interact safely and efficiently with machines and their work conditions is called ergonomics, in computing, ergonomics is about designing computer facilities so they are safe and comfortable. Here are a few tips.

1. Get an adjustable chair so you can change its height and angle.

2. Make sure your feet rest firmly on the ground or on a foot rest.

3. Ensure you have enough leg room under the desk.

4. Put the monitor at eye level or just below.

5. Sit at arms' length from the monitor (40-80 cm). Don't sit near the sides or back of CRT monitors; or use LCD screens, which are free from radiation.

6. Use a document holder, in line with the screen, to reduce awkward neck and eye movements between the document and the screen.

7. Position the keyboard at the same height as your elbows, with your arms parallel to the work surface. Try to keep your wrists straight and flat when typing.

8. Take regular breaks from the computer and look away from the screen at regular intervals.

(based on: Professional English in use)


6. Find English equivalents in the text:

Застосовувати теоретичні принципи, щоб зробити сумісним, широке розуміння повного обсягу, які можуть виникнути в результаті безперервного використання комп'ютерів, хронічне перенапруження, погана постава під час роботи, виділяти випромінювання, підставка для ніг, незручні рухи, робоча поверхня.

7. Complete the sentences with words from the text:

1. The Safetype ergonomic keyboard may look strange, but its makers claim that it can prevent _________or RSI.

2. Visual problems, such as _________and irritation, are often reported by computer users. Causes of these problems include glare, poor lighting, and focusing the eyes on the screen for a prolonged period.

3. When a person is spending much time in front of the screen without moving around, he may be suffering from __________.

4. Experts believe the best way to reduce musculoskeletal injuries is through __________- designing jobs to fit people instead of making people fit the job. It can mean everything from adjusting the height of a desk to buying a new chair or overhauling a production line.

5. It’s necessary to take regular _________ from the computer and look away from the screen at regular intervals.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 3543. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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