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Note: Dates in book titles, chapter titles, and other headings will not be elided: e.g., 1890–1895.



6. Do not use “over” or “under” with numbers; use “more than” or “fewer than”:


more than 1,500 books rather than over 1,500 books; fewer than 110 manuscripts rather than under 110 manuscripts



7. Other examples from the manuscript:





1. A comma will be used to separate items in a series of three or more:


red, white, and blue rather than red, white and blue



2. In running text, in accordance with Cambridge style, we will set a 1-en dash with a word space on either side, rather than a closed-up 1-em dash:


like this – rather than this—which is more generally used in the United States


unless there is math in the book. Then a closed-up em dash will be used throughout.


3. For pronunciation, the possessive case of a singular noun (even those ending in an s or an s sound) will usually be formed by adding an apostrophe and a lowercase s; and the possessive of plural nouns by the addition of an apostrophe only:


Singular Plural  
Burns's poems the Rosses' home
Marx's dialectic the Wieners' car
Fraser and Squier's book the shopkeepers' association
  those Marxists' interpretations
Moses' law
Socrates' trial
Euripides' plays



4. Interpolations by author or editor within quoted material will be enclosed in brackets rather than parentheses.


5. Commas and periods will appear inside quotation marks:


like "this," rather than like "this", or "this".


6. Quotation marks (except for actual quotations) will be used sparingly, as with overuse they lose their emphasis. They will be used


- to set off a quotation run into the text, or around words or phrases taken from another source


- around words used in an ironic sense, if that sense might elude the reader: Five villages were subjected to "pacification."


- around words used as words and terms used as terms on their first occurrence in the manuscript (unless italics are being used for this purpose): "Tribe" is used here to describe...


- around titles of short works, such as short stories, short poems, chapters, etc.


Quotation marks will not be used

- around a term or expression following the words "so-called"


- around a quotation that will be set off in block form from the text (quotations longer than about 60 words will be set off)



7. Ellipses: Three (spaced) points of ellipsis will be used to indicate omissions within quoted material. Terminal punctuation will be retained before points of ellipses. Ellipses will be deleted at the beginning or end of a quotation if the first or final sentence is syntactically complete.



8. Except in certain technical contexts, square brackets will be used for parentheses within parentheses.



9. Other examples from the manuscript:




1. Italics will also be used sparingly, as with overuse they too lose their emphasis. They will be used


- on the first introduction of a key term or statement, to which the author wishes to draw the reader's attention. Italics will not be used thereafter when that term or statement is repeated.


- for words used as words or terms used as terms on their first occurrence in the manuscript (if quotation marks are not being used to indicate this; see point 6 under "Punctuation"): Tribe is used here to indicate...


- for foreign words that are unfamiliar to the reader.



2. Italics will not be used for foreign words now in common use:


ibid., et al., passim, fait accompli, de facto



3. Italics will not be used for proper names of foreign organizations, buildings, or places:


the Cour des aides, Reichstag, Bois des Boulogne



4. Italics will used for names of ships, films, television programs, and books:


Saturn V, Sorrow and the Pity, Masterpiece Theater,
Quadripartite Structure



5. Other uses of italics in the manuscript:




1. References to "above" and "below" will be deleted or a more specific reference substituted:


as noted in Chapter 4 rather than see below in Chapter 4

will be discussed in the section on rather than will be discussed below



2. Cross references by page number will be deleted and another form of reference substituted during copyediting. The author's attention will be drawn to these instances when he or she reviews the copyedited manuscript.





1. The tables will be copyedited to conform to the standard Cambridge style: The table number, title, and head notes will be run in on one line; a double rule will be set at the beginning and end of the table, and a single rule will be set below the column headings; where possible, rules within the body of the table will be eliminated and column headings will be simplified.



2. Notes to the table will be set below the bottom rule in this order: general notes, footnotes, source notes.



3. Footnotes to tables will be indicated by superscript lowercase italic letters (a) rather than the asterisk, double asterisk, dagger form.




1. All references to articles from journals or chapters from books should contain inclusive page numbers. If they are missing, the author will be asked to supply them when reviewing the copyedited manuscript.



2. When two or more name/date citations are cited simultaneously in the text, they will be arranged chronologically or alphabetically or in order of importance:


alphabetically: (Hart 1960; Loomis 1958)

chronologically: (Loomis 1958; Hart 1960)


We will follow whichever style prevails in the manuscript.



3. Manuscripts should be cited in the text as personal communications and should not appear in the reference list, unless they are publicly available. If they are publicly available, please supply their location (e.g., collection, library, location).



4. When a work by three authors is cited, all three authors will be named at the first mention in the text: e.g. (Fishman, Cooper, and Conrad 1977). Thereafter they will be referred to as (Fishman et al. 1977). When a work by four or more authors is cited, they will be listed in the et al. form at the first occurrence.



5. References in the text and in the reference list will not carry both a date and the words "in press." If a book is in press, then no date should be given in the text or the references; the form is, e.g. (Adams in press).



6. The following style will be used for notes/references/bibliography:





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Indexes of Websites | LETTERA DEL CAMPANELLA.

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