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Thematic plan of practical lessons.

Themes Form of conducting Hours
1. Modern directions of biophysics and methods of processing of medical and biological researches. Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving.  
2. Modern methods of studying of the structure and functions of biological membranes. Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving.  
3. Transport of substances through the biological membranes. Passive transport. Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving.  
4. Bioelectrical potentials. Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving.  
5. Principles of transformation of biological (non-electrical) signals into electrical ones. Construction of sensors and electrodes, their main characteristics. Testing, oral interrogation. Conducting the laboratory works.  
6. Physical basics of electrocardiography. Registration of ECG and principles of analysis. Testing, oral interrogation. Conducting the laboratory works.  
7. Electroencephalography. Main rhythms of EEG. EEG registering and principles of analysis. Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving.  
8. Intermediate control by the section 1. Testing, oral interrogation.  
9. Therapeutic equipment that is based on the usage of high frequency (HF), super high frequency (SHF), ultra high frequency (UHF) currents. Therapeutic equipment that is based on the usage of direct current. Testing, oral interrogation. Conducting the laboratory works.  
10. Methods of the studying of blood circulation. Integral and regional rheography. Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving.  
11. Physical basis of haemodynamics. Regularities of the blood circulation in arteries and veins. Testing, oral interrogation. Conducting the laboratory works.  
12. Photoelectric transducers. Methods of the research of biological objects by spectral analysis. Testing, oral interrogation. Conducting the laboratory works.  
13. Special techniques of the microscopy of biological objects. Testing, oral interrogation. Conducting the laboratory works.  
14. Learning the dosimeters of ionizing radiation. Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving.  
15. Intermediate control by the section 2. Testing, oral interrogation.  
  Total number of hours:   25 h.

Thematic plan of student’s independent work under the guidance of a teacher (SIWGT).

Themes Form of conducting Hours
1. Physical basics of interaction of the sound and biological tissues. Usage of ultrasound researches in medicine. Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.  
2. Models of biological membranes. Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.  
3. Transport of ions. Active transport. Discussing according to the questions of theme.  
4. Action potential. Propagation of the nervous impulse along the excitable fiber. Testing, oral interrogation.  
5. Formal description of the ionic currents in the Hodgkin-Huxley model. Independence of the work of separate channels. Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.  
6. Action potential of cardiomyocytes. Conduction of the action potentials through the tissues of heart. Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.  
7. Principles of the work of devices that register biopotentials. Discussing according to the questions of theme. Demonstration.  
8. Sliding filament model. Biomechanics of a muscle. Hill’s equation. Modeling of muscular contraction. Electromechanical conjugation. Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.  
9. Medical devices of therapeutic application. Discussing according to the questions of theme. Demonstration.  
10. Main technical means of medical introscopy. Types and purposes of medical introscopic devices. Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.  
11. Capillary phenomena, their significance in biology and medicine. Air embolism. Discussing according to the questions of theme. Problems solving.  
12. Spectroscopy (laser spectroscopy, atomic spectroscopy and etc). Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.  
13. Types of microscope (electronic, luminescent and etc). Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.  
14. Photoreactivation and photoprotection. Action of ultraviolet light on biological membranes. Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.  
15. Biomechanics of external breathing. Devices for the measurement of the function of external breathing. Discussing according to the questions of theme.  
  Total number of hours:   30 h.

Thematic plan of student’s independent work (SIW).

Themes Form of conducting Hours
1. Mechanism of the permeability of biological membranes. Structure and functions of ionic channels and carriers. Mechanisms of electrogenesis. Test task.  
2. Research methods of the electrical activity of different organs. Electrical activity of the heart, central nervous system, muscles. Test task.  
3. Structural scheme of taking, transferring and registration of medical and biological information. Preparing and defence of presentation.  
4. Laser radiation and its usage in medicine. Preparing and defence of presentation.  
5. Luminescence. Types and usage in medicine. Test task.  
6. X-radiation and its usage in medicine. Preparing and defence of presentation.  
  Total number of hours:   30 h.

Total: 6 SIW. All SIW themes are included in the questions of intermediate and final controls. A student has to hand over only 2 SIW to a teacher for checking during the studying of discipline.



1. Remizov А.N., Maxina А.G., Potapenko А.Y. Medical and biological physics: textbook – 9th edition, reimpression – Moscow: Дрофа, 2010. – 558 pages.: illustrated.

2. Antonov V.F., Korzhuyev А.V. Physics and biophysics: course of lectures for the students of medical universities: study guide – 3rd edition, revised and enlarged – Moscow: ГОЭТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 240 pages.

3. Remizov А.N., Maxina А.G., Potapenko А.Y. Collection of problems in medical and biological physics: study guide – 4th edition, reimpression – Moscow: Дрофа, 2010. – 189 pages.

4. Antonov V.F. Physics and biophysics: textbook – Moscow: ГОЭТАР-Медиа, 2008. – 480 pages.

5. Antonov V.F., Chernysh А.М., Kozlova Y.K., Korzhuyev А.V. Practicum: study guide. – 3rd edition, revised and enlarged – Moscow: ГОЭТАР-Медиа, 2008. – 336 pages.

6. Samoilov V.О. Medical biophysics. St. Petersburg: СпецЛит, 2007. – 496 pages.


1. Antonov V.F. Physics and biophysics: textbook – Moscow: ГОЭТАР-Медиа, 2008. – 480 pages.

2. Antonov V.F., Chernysh А.М., Kozlova Y.K., Korzhuyev А.V. Practicum: study guide. – 3rd edition, revised and enlarged – Moscow: ГОЭТАР-Медиа, 2008. – 336 pages.

3. Antonov V.F., Korzhuyev А.V. Physics and biophysics: course of lectures for the students of medical universities: study guide – 3rd edition, revised and enlarged – Moscow: ГОЭТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 240 pages.

4. Rubin А.B. «Biophysics». Moscow State University edition, 2006. – 435 pages.

5. Timanyuk V.A., Zhivotova Y.N. Biophysics. Moscow, 2004 – 703 pages.

6. Remizov А.N., Maxina А.G., Potapenko А.Y. Medical and biological physics, Мoscow: Высшая

школа, 2004 – 560 pages.

7. www. Sciencedirect.com.

8. www.thecochranelibrary.com.

9. www.springerlink.com.

10. www.webofknowledge.com.

11. http://dlib.eastview.com.

Methods of education and teaching:

· Lectures: overview lectures.

· Practical lessons:seminars, solving of situational problems, conducting the laboratory works, business games, debates, parsing and discussing of control questions.

· Student’s independent work under the guidance of a teacher:work in groups, discussions, parsing and discussing of cases, seminar, solving of situational and standard problems, discussing of the results of individual and group tasks.

· Student’s independent work: individual work with a literature, in the Internet, solving of situational problems, preparing of a presentation, solving of test tasks, preparing and defence of reports, essays.

· Criteria and rules of the assessment of knowledge:

Current control - t
– assessment of the level of formedness of the competences

t= (Z+N+K+P+S)/n, where n – quantity of knowledge by all competences;

Z: z1+z2+…+zn - Marks for knowledge (testing, oral interrogation);

N: n1+n2+…+nn - Marks for skills (solving of a problem, laboratory work);

K: k1+k2+…+kn - Marks for communicative skills (exchange of opinions on the main questions of a theme);

P: p1+p2+…+pn - Marks for legal competence (compliance of the safety engineering rules at work with devices, consequences of the ionizing radiation and etc.);

S: s1+ s2+…+sn - Marks for SIW (individual work with a literature, in the Internet, solving of situational problems, preparing of a presentation, solving of test tasks, preparing and defence of reports, essays).

Each competence is evaluated by 100 point scale.

I. Knowledge Knowledge are evaluated by two criteria (oral interrogation and test tasks) Oral interrogation Maximum is 100 points   maximum is 100 points
1. correct and full answer at the oral interrogation and discussing of the theme 90-100 points;
2. correct but not full answer at the oral interrogation and discussing of the theme 75-89 points;
3. incomplete answer with some inaccuraсies 50-74 points;
4. the answer is not given 0-49 points.
  Testing maximum is 100 points
  88-100% 90-100 points;
  75-87% 75-89 points;
  50-74% 50-74 points;
  less than 50% 0-49 points.
II. Practical skills Problems solving and laboratory works Maximum is 100 points
1. correct solution of all problems, correctly done and written laboratory work 90-100 points;
2. solution not less than 70% of problems and correctly done and written laboratory work with insignificant inaccuracies 75-89 points;
3. solution not less than 50% of problems and correctly done laboratory work with uncompleted conclusions and graph 50-74 points;
4. solution less than 50% of problems and unfulfilled laboratory work 0-49 points.  
III. Legal competence Maximum is 100 points  
1. full knowledge of the ways of providing the safety engineering at the work with devices 90-100 points;  
2. insufficient knowledge about the necessity of providing the safety engineering at the work with devices 75-89 points;  
3. insufficient observance of the responsibility at the work with devices 50-74 points;  
4. inobservance of the responsibility at the work with devices 0-49 points.  
IV. Communicative skills Maximum is 100 points  
1. correct explanation of special (professional) terms, concepts in an accessible form (in a conversation with students) 90-100 points;  
2. insufficient presentment of special (professional) terms, concepts in an accessible form 75-89 points;  
3. incomplete explanation of the schemes of devices, application of electrodes, implementation of the ECG and its analysis 50-74 points;  
4. incorrect presentments, incorrect application of electrodes, determination of the belt speed, implementation of the ECG and its analysis 0-49 points.  
  Intermediate control Maximum is 100 points
a) Testing maximum is 100 points
1. 88-100% 90-100 points;
2. 75-87% 75-89 points;
3. 50-74% 50-74 points;
4. less than 50% 0-49 points.
b Tasks accomplishment maximum is 100 points  
1. correct and complete answer at the oral interrogation and discussing of a theme 90-100 points;  
2. correct but incomplete answer at the oral interrogation and discussing of a theme 75-89 points;  
3. incomplete answer with some inaccuracies 50-74 points;  
4. an answer is not given 0-49 points.  
  V. Extracurricular independent work Maximum is 100 points  
1. complete accomplishment of all requirements of the corresponding form of SIW 90-100 points;  
2. insignificant mistakes were done, inaccurate accomplishment of the task 75-89 points;  
3. significant mistakes were done, inaccurate accomplishment of the task 50-74 points;  
4. principal mistakes were done, inexecution of the tasks, discrepancy to the criteria of SIW 10-49 points;  
5. absence of the SIW 0 points.  


Current control: testing, oral interrogation, solving of situational problems, executions of the results of measurements and etc.

Intermediate control: colloquium is conducted in the form of testing and oral interrogation by the tickets.

Admission rating in the final mark of a student is not less than 60%, it’s calculated by the formula:

Ra= (t+r1+r2)/3 × 0,6

where t – current control;

r1 – the first intermediate control;

r2 – the second intermediate control.

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