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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Final control

An integrated exam consists of two stages:

1) testing;

2) oral (by the tickets).

Testing is carried out on computers in the Testing Center. The oral interrogation on the discipline is conducted in the department. The final mark is a sum of admission rating and mark of the final control:

I = R х 0,6 + E х 0,4,


I – final mark;

R – admission rating mark;

E – mark for the final control (exam on the discipline).

The final rating consists of 60% of the admission rating which includes the marks for 5 competences (knowledge, practical skills, communicative skills, legal competence, SIW) and 40% of the final control rating (exam on the discipline). The final mark includes marks of the current academic progress (admission rating) and mark for the final control (exam mark). Share of the mark for current academic progress is 60% from the final mark. The mark of the final control is not less than 40% of the final mark on discipline. Resulting mark of the department (admission rating) is 60% of the final mark and 40% is in the mark for the I stage (testing) and the II stage of exam (by tickets) in equal proportion (50%:50%).

REMARK: in case of passing the colloquium on unsatisfactory mark it is necessary to obligatory pass it

again during the consultation of a teacher.

In case of getting 0 points on the exam a student stays for the re-studying of the discipline (i.e. summer semester).

The final mark on discipline is put in the exam register in numerical and literal equivalent of points according to the table below.

Putting of the final mark

Mark by the literal system Numerical equivalent of the points Percentage, % Mark by the traditional system
А 4,0 95-100   EXCELLENT
А- 3,67 90-94
В+ 3,33 85-89   GOOD
В 3,0 80-84
В- 2,67 75-79
С+ 2,33 70-74     SATISFACTORY
С 2,0 65-69
С- 1,67 60-64
D+ 1,33 55-59
D 1,0 50-54


Marks of the competencies on “Medical biophysics” discipline

for the 1st course students of “General medicine” major

Number of a week Theme Type of class, number of hours   Coverage of competencies that are evaluated
Knowledge Мах 100% Practical skills Мах 100% Communicative skills Мах 100% Legal competency Мах 100% Self-education Мах 100%
Practical classes SIWGT SIW          
    Modern directions of biophysics and methods of processing of medical and biological researches.       Testing, oral interrogation.   -   - -  
  Physical basics of interaction of the sound and biological tissues. Usage of ultrasound researches in medicine.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Solving of situational problems.
    Modern methods of studying of the structure and functions of biological membranes.       Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving. - - -
  Models of biological membranes.           - - Discussing according to the questions of theme. Solving of situational problems.
        Transport of substances through the biological membranes. Passive transport.       Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving. - - -
  Transport of ions. Active transport.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Solving of situational problems.
  Mechanism of the permeability of biological membranes. Structure and functions of ionic channels and carriers. Mechanisms of electrogenesis.       - - -   Testing of SIW with literature.  
    Bioelectrical potentials.       Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving. - - -
  Action potential. Propagation of the nervous impulse along the excitable fiber.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Solving of situational problems.
    Principles of transformation of biological (non-electrical) signals into electrical ones. Construction of sensors and electrodes, their main characteristics.       Testing, oral interrogation.     Conducting the laboratory works. -
  Formal description of the ionic currents in the Hodgkin-Huxley model. Independence of the work of separate channels.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.
  Research methods of the electrical activity of different organs. Electrical activity of the heart, central nervous system, muscles.                 Testing of SIW with literature.  
      Physical basics of electrocardiography. Registration of ECG and principles of analysis.       Testing, oral interrogation.   Explanation of processes that occur in human body at the conducting of registration of ECG in standard leads. Observance of safety engineering at working with devices.  
    Action potential of cardiomyocytes. Conduction of the action potentials through the tissues of heart.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.
    Electroencephalography. Main rhythms of EEG. Registration of EEG and principles of analysis.       Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving.      
  Principles of the work of devices that register biopotentials.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Demonstration.
  Structural scheme of taking, transferring and registration of medical and biological information. Sources of inaccuracies at the registering of medical parameters.               Preparing and defence of presentation.
    Intermediate control by the section 1.               -
  Sliding filament model. Biomechanics of a muscle. Hill equation. Modeling of muscular contraction. Electromechanical conjugation.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation. Problems solving.
    Therapeutic equipment that is based on the usage of high frequency (HF), super high frequency (SHF), ultra high frequency (UHF) currents. Therapeutic equipment that is based on the usage of direct current.       Testing, oral interrogation.     - Conducting the laboratory work. Observance of safety engineering at working with devices.  
  Electrophysical methods of therapy.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Demonstration.
  Laser radiation and its usage in medicine.               Preparing and defence of presentation.
    Methods of the studying of blood circulation. Integral and regional rheography.       Testing, oral interrogation.   Problems solving. - -   -
  Main technical means of medical introscopy.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.
    Physical basis of haemodynamics. Regularities of the blood circulation in arteries and veins.         Testing, oral interrogation.   Laboratory work, results present in graph form.      
  Capillary phenomena, their significance in biology and medicine. Air embolism.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Problems solving.
    Luminescence. Types and usage in medicine.               Testing of SIW with literature.  
    Photoelectric transducers. Methods of the research of biological objects by spectral analysis.       Testing, oral interrogation.   Laboratory work, calculations of inaccuracies present in the form of graph.   -       -    
  Spectroscopy (optical quantum generators (OQG, lasers), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)).               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.
    Special techniques of the microscopy of biological objects.       Testing, oral interrogation. Laboratory work, calculation of inaccuracies.      
  Types of microscope (electronic, luminescent and etc).               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.
  X-radiation and its usage in medicine.               Preparing the presentation for SIW with literature.
    Learning the dosimeters of ionizing radiation.       Testing, oral interrogation. Problems solving.     -
  Photoreactivation and photoprotection. Action of ultraviolet light on biological membranes.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Presentation.
    Intermediate control by the section 2.                
  Biomechanics of external breathing. Devices for the measurement of the function of external breathing.               Discussing according to the questions of theme. Solving of the situational problems.
    Totally in hours                



Major: General medicine

Module of: Medical biophysics and biostatistics



Lecture complex


Course: 1

Discipline: Medical biophysics



Redactor: professor Nurmaganbetova М.О.


Discussed on session of module

Protocol № from year


Head of the module, professor________ Nurmaganbetova М.О.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 506. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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