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Literature. 1. Remizov А.N., Maxina А.G., Potapenko А.Y


1. Remizov А.N., Maxina А.G., Potapenko А.Y. Medical and biological physics: textbook – 9th edition, reimpression – Moscow: Дрофа, 2010. – 558 pages.: illustrated.

2. Antonov V.F., Korzhuyev А.V. Physics and biophysics: course of lectures for the students of medical universities: study guide – 3rd edition, revised and enlarged – Moscow: ГОЭТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 240 pages.

3. Antonov V.F. Physics and biophysics: textbook – Moscow: ГОЭТАР-Медиа, 2008. – 480 pages.

4. Samoilov V.О. Medical biophysics. St. Petersburg: СпецЛит, 2007. – 496 pages.



1. Antonov V.F. Physics and biophysics: textbook – Moscow: ГОЭТАР-Медиа, 2008. – 480 pages.

2. Antonov V.F., Korzhuyev А.V. Physics and biophysics: course of lectures for the students of medical universities: study guide – 3rd edition, revised and enlarged – Moscow: ГОЭТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 240 pages.

3. Rubin А.B. «Biophysics». Moscow State University edition, 2006. – 435 pages.

4. Timanyuk V.A., Zhivotova Y.N. Biophysics. Moscow, 2004 – 703 pages.

5. www. Sciencedirect.com.

6. www.thecochranelibrary.com.

7. www.springerlink.com.

8. www.webofknowledge.com.

9. http://dlib.eastview.com.

Control questions (feedback):

· Types of biological membranes.

· Chemical composition of membranes.

· Properties of the lipid layer. How do the phasic transitions occur in membrane?

· Types and functions of the membrane proteins.

· Artificial membranes – liposomes.

· Methods of research of membranes structure.

· What types of substances transport through the biological membranes do you know?

· Ways of the penetration of substances to the cell.


Theme 2: Active transport. Concept of electrical excitability. Resting potential.

Purpose:To learn the ionic type of transport of substances through the biological membrane. To know mechanisms of the active transport. To understand the mechanisms of genesis of resting biopotentials. To know the methods of registering of potentials that arise in living organism.

Plan of the lecture:

1. Transport of ions.

2. Ionic transport of substances in channels.

3. Active transport of substances through the biological membranes.

4. Concept of electrical excitability.

5. Resting and action potentials and their molecular mechanisms.

6. Methods of the measurement of membrane potential. Microelectrode technique.

Тheses of the lecture:

For the active transport the energy provision of this process is necessary. An organism gets energy at the gradual oxidation of nutritive substances: fats, proteins, carbohydrates. This energy is reserved by macroergic compounds in the form of chemical energy. Chemical contact of an organism with external environment is implemented through epithelial tissue that covers the outer surface of body and paves the digestive and respiratory systems. Epithelial tissues are multimembraneous systems where the active and passive transport of different substances occur.

Electrical potential difference – is the sequel of spatial fission of electrical charges of opposite sign. Permanent potential differences are characteristic for living systems that are in stationary state, i.e. systems where the gradients are permanently maintained in the result of metabolism. At fast changing and new recovery the transitive process from one stationary state to another takes place. There are potentials of electronic type (at the presence of free electrons) and ionic type (at the presence of free ions). Acknowledged theory that explains the arising and maintaining of potentials on the membrane is the A. Hodgkin theory.

Illustrative material: “Power Point” presentation (lecture 2).

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 546. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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