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FOCUS 4. Fill in the gaps with one of the following words or word combinations. Use the appropriate tense form.

standstill fair compensation to recompense bulk amount to claim damages in due course faulty normal wear and tear to reject without prejudice disposal gross violation sub-standard arbitration to replace to jeopardize grave defects to submit workmanship to reclaim inferior quality


1. As the whole machine via fixture failure was brought to a … our customers were compelled to …
2. As we in no way want … current and future business relations between our companies we are quite agreeable … you for the losses.
3. In the opinion of our experts $10,000 would be a … which we agree to pay you, …, in full and final settlement of your claim.
4. Judging by the Protocol the fixtures do not have any … in design and workmanship.
5. Should you wish to come and inspect the units by yourself, we are at your …
6. The … of the goods discharged from the vessel do not correspond to the sample … and on the basis of which the contract was concluded.
7. The expenses of our clients … $15,000 and we shall be glad to receive your remittance of this amount …
8. These stains appear to be due either to … colouring or … synthetic veneer.
9. We expect you … and … these damaged items as soon as possible.
10. We have examined the consignment shipped by s/s “Grek” under the above contract and we hereby make a claim against you for …
11. We must state that your … the claim will be regarded as shrinking your obligation and will be considered a … of the contractual obligations.
12. We offer for our … a one year guarantee against … but the treatment the fixtures have been subjected to does not come under this category.
13. We will be forced to go in for … as per the terms of the contract.

FOCUS 5. Fill in the gaps with prepositions/particles where

1. We consider that to be an important concession... the part... our Customers and trust that their offer will meet... your approval.
2. As the machine was brought... a standstill the Buyers were compelled to claim... damages.
3. We shall be glad to receive your remittance... this amount... due course.
4. We ask you to replace the defective parts... new ones.
5. The company will be forced to go...... arbitration unless the matter is resolved amicably... mutual understanding.
6. The Sellers are quite agreeable to recompense you... the cost... losses.
7. Broken machinery resulted... negligence... maintenance and service instructions.
8. We agree to pay you,... prejudice,... full and final settlement... your claim $17,000.00.
9. This concession... our part is a satisfactory solution... the problem.
10. We are making a claim... you... inferior quality of the goods.
11. The bulk... the goods discharged... the vessel do not correspond... the sample submitted and... the basis... which the contract was concluded.
12. Failing your acceptance... our claim it will be submitted... arbitration.
13. We regret to state that the goods are not...... the sample which led … placing this order... you.
14. As we cannot make any use... the goods, we are holding them... your disposal.
15. We have examined... random 20 bags which showed no damage... the outside.
16. ... examining the samples, the experts found the quality to be inferior … the guaranteed one.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 495. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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