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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. A literal account. 2. The Times literary supplement. 8. Literal marking. 4. A literal error. 5. Musically illiterate. 6. The literal truth. 7. An illiterate speech. 8. A literary word. 9. A literal interpretation. 10. A literate man. 11.Literary studies. 12. An illiterate woman. 13. From a literary viewpoint. 14. The literal meaning of a passage. 15. The literary sphere. 16. Literary works. 17. Literary efforts. 18. Literary circles. 19. Illiterate usage. 20. A literary critic. 21. Literary activity.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the difference between a free and a literal translation? What is the latter used for? 2. What is the literary style contrasted with? 3. What are the main characteristics of literary words? 4. What is the literal meaning of the following words: daisy; lady; window; bishop; insane; fact; to eliminate; to inculcate. 5. Can you give instances of illiterate speech used by English or American writers in various literary works? What purposes does this device serve? 6. What are your favourite literary personages? Why? 7. Do you know many literary critics? 8. Will you speak on the literary merits of «The Forsyte Saga» by J. Galsworthy? 9. Why were there so many illiterate people in tsarist Russia? How did our country achieve mass literacy? 10. What do you call a person who can neither read nor write? 11. When do we use literal marking? 12. Does the literary profession appeal to you? State your reasons. 13. What kind of translation is used in the following translation loans: a wall newspaper; comradely court; class struggle; under the rose; fifth column? What lan­guages do they originate from?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases using one of the words under discussion.

1. A word-for-word translation. 2. A person unable to read and write. 3. An error in printing. 4. A prosaic mind. 5. A note full of spelling mistakes. 6. An author or a man skilled in learning and literature. 7. A work of literature. 8. A person able to read and write. 9. To translate a passage word for word. 10. A very precise description of something.

Exercise 4.* Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. If someone dislikes it I shall never trust their... judgement again. 2. The term (angst) has come into English via... and philosophical jargon. 3. It must not be forgotten that translation often plays a part in this type of international linguistic influence and that a... rendering of this type will end by imposing itself if repeated frequently enough. 4. It (the expression) did not catch on very rapidly in... circles, however, and only several years later did it begin to appear in the press with any frequency. 5. «Perhaps he was seeking political asylum.» «I do not know what he was seeking. How could I? He was quite and in any case he had no money for his passage.» 6. Mr Mew held the table with an ornamental account of a meeting at a... lunch with an author of whom no one had ever heard. 7. Much modern... criticism, particularly that of a psychologically oriented variety, suffers from an inability ever to be satisfied with one straightforward interpretation. 8. The misunderstanding was made possible only by the rarity of logfires in Britain and the consequent lack of familiarity of the... sense and implications of the word. 9. He proceeded, in a loud,... speech to enumerate the complaints: Doctor Manson had no right to do this work. 10. …, she was safe from corruption and could have no idea of the magic of books. 11. His great-grandfather was one Michael Cleary, an... farm hand. 12. When the... gentleman, whose flat old Ma Parker cleaned every Tuesday, opened the door to her that morning, he asked after her grandson. 13. After all, my people were... peasants for a thousand years.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following senlences using one of the words under discussion.

1. Please believe me: I’ve told you... 2. The present-day meaning of the verb to eliminate is «to remove», «to get rid of», but... 3. Martin Eden is one of my... 4. Charles Dickens and Oscar Wilde belong to different... 5. Please give a free translation of the passage; don’t... 6. A letter with a number of mistakes... 7. The library contains... 8. In our country there are no... 9. Before the Great October Socialist Revolution approximately three quarters of Russia’s population...


Exercise 6. Use the following sentences and phrases in situations.

1. In the literary sphere we find... 2.A literary survey of this period, describing the general characteristics of... 3. Our literary heritage. 4. The writer, it is plain, has exaggerated for the sake of literary effect. 5.... which presumably started life as a metaphor derived from some specific literal usage. 6. It came by six o’clock post. An illiterate scrawl, written on common paper and enclosed In a dirty envelope.


Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the adjectives literal, literary and il(literate); use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Литературное наследие Ч. Диккенса очень богато. 2. Он всегда очень раздражается, когда ему приходится читать безграмотные письма. 3. В. Г. Белинский — литературный критик с мировым именем. 4. С первых дней Советской власти началась упорная борьба за ликвидацию неграмотности. 5. Дайте, пожалуйста, точное, не отступающее от текста толкование. 6. Вы можете решить это буквенное уравнение? 7. Она сказала сущую правду, я это подтверждаю. 8. Ученый дал скрупулезно точное описание эксперимента. 9. Существует целый ряд различных литературных направлений. 10. Литературная деятельность Фрэнка Норриса оборвалась очень раног писатель умер в возрасте тридцати двух лет.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 819. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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