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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. Military training., 2. A militant programme. 3. Militant action. 4. A military rank. 5. Military intelligence. 6. A militant party. 7. A military man. 8. A military camp. 9. A military attache. 10. A military band. 11. Military force. 12. A military district. 13. Military bearing. 14. Military expenditure. 15. Military terminology. 16. Military neutrality. 17. A military alliance. 18. Military action. 19. A militant campaigner. 20. A military base. 21. A militant mood. 22. Military command. 23. Military presence. 24. Military junta. 25. A military conflict. 26. Militant members. 27. A militant viewpoint. 28. Military trial. 29. Military dictatorship. 30. A military coup.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What military ranks do you know? 2. What are the duties of a military attache (adviser)? 3. What musical instruments does a military band include? 4. What is the military age in our country? 5. What kind of clothes do military men wear? 6.Why can we say that the CPSU has a militant programme of building communism? 7. What military alliances do you know? Could you characterize them? 8. What can you say about military expenditure in the U.S.A.? 9. What kind of person can be called militant?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases using one of the words under discussion.

1. Special clothes worn by soldiers and officers. 2. A fighting mood. 3. An army officer attached to his nation’s embassy. 4. A person ready and willing to fight for a cause. 5. Service in the armed forces. 6. The new mood of militancy among the delegates.

Exercise 4.* Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. Israel had hit two guerilla bases, a gun battery, two... posts and three... camps inside Syria. 2. As well as being one of the airline’s more senior captains, Demerest was a... campaigner for the Air Line Pilots Association. 3. The year of 1969 was a very difficult year for the Liberation forces on the... plane. 4. He has been held by the... junta ever since. 5. Once the only Americans in Vietnam were a few observers, then they became lechnical advisers, some of whom were... advisers. 6. At no time has there been any refutal of their statements from any official Government or... source. 7. Yet even this failed to satisfy the Meadowood residents. Their... leaders were still protesting, organizing, and — according to latest rumours — planning legal harrassment of the airport. 8. Then it was Los Muertos and Hooven, the sordid little Dutchman, grimed with the soil he worked in, yet vividly remembering a period of... glory, exciting himself with recollections of Gravelotte and the Kaiser. 9. Syria yesterday called for joint Arab... action. 10. He feels it necessary to have the... viewpoint put. 11. A mass... trial of 185 Turkish Left-wingers opened in a... barracks in Ankara yesterday. 12. Presenting a petition on behalf of himself and 16 other defendants, Dogu Perincek said they rejected the... court as a creation of a fascist... dictatorship. 13. College of education contingents on the march were the most..., disciplined and best organized. 14. More than 3,300 people have gone before... court. 15. «This is a... exercise. Do you read the newspapers?» «I never see ‘em» «That’s a pity. You’d have known all about it. A most important... exercise.» 16. All were big men, two in civilian clothes, the third a... officer. 17. Even Mr Smith was intrigued enough to say, «Tell us a little more, Mr Jones.» I noticed that we were all reluctant to give him a... title. 18. My... exploits are not a pleasant subject, unhappily. 19. She seemed so experienced and self-reliant in her tinsel helmet and... accoutrements.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. At the age of 18... 2. The song was performed by... 3. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is... 4. Both men and women soldiers wear... 5. The students felt extremely... 6. The leaders of the union called for... 7. The people of the country were indignant... 8. The mood of the workers was... 9. The soldier was tried … 10. On May 1 and on November 7...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences and phrases in situations.

1. To scale down all military activities. 2. A policy of military neutrality. 3. A close military and economic alliance. 4. The military-industrial complex. 5. They are also suffering military setbacks. 6. The policy of military repression. 7.... attempted to organize a military coup in the country. 8.... was much grieved by the military conflict between the two neighbouring States. 9. An important link in the system of military bases. 10. The military head of the U.S. armed forces. 11. Militant members will argue for these (strikes) to be where they are likely to hit hardest. 12. The most militant sections of the working class. 13. The joint military commission.


Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the adjectives militant and military; use several of the resulting phrases in short-dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Долг каждого советского гражданина — успешно пройти военную службу. 2. Мой отец военнослужащий. 3. Он активный борец за улучшение жизни рабочих. 4. Существует целый ряд воинских званий, из которых высшее — генералиссимус. 5. Призывной возраст различен в разных странах. 6. В годовщину Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции на Красной площади в Москве организуется военный парад, за которым следует демонстрация трудящихся. 7. В ряде капиталистических стран расходы на социальные нужды сокращаются за счет военных расходов. 8. Военное вмешательство в дела суверенного государства недопустимо. 9. Соединенные Штаты Америки имеют много военных баз во всем мире.


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