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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. A long-range policy. 2. A give-and-take policy. 3. A carrot-and-stick policy. 4. A position-of-strength policy. 5. A policy of neutrality. 6. A kid-glove policy. 7. A wait-and-see policy. 8. A policy of appeasement. 9. To talk politics. 10. Home policy. 11. To be engaged in politics. 12. Lunar politics. 13. Foreign policy. 14. A brink-of-war policy. 15. Radical politics. 16. The incomes policy on civil servants. 17. The vortex of politics.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions. ;

1. «What can you say about the foreign policy of the Soviet Union? 2. What are the main characteristics of the home policy of our country? 3. What do you call a person whose profession is politics? 4. Was Steve Graham engaged in politics? What can you say on the subject? 5. Why did Lyman Derrick want to go into politics? 6. What policy is pursued by the British Government in Ulster? 7. What can be said about the foreign policy of Great Britain and the U.S.A.? 8. What were Mark Twain’s politics? 9. Are there many women in capitalist countries who are interested in politics? 10. What are your politics?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. To discuss political affairs. 2. A person’s political views and opinions. 3. A course of action adopted by the government. 4. Political views and principles of a party. 6. I could imagine him a homespun poet or perhaps the dean of an obscure college, but never a politician.

Exercise 4.* Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. She would have preferred him to show more interest in sport and open air life than in all those books on... and suchlike heavy stuff he bought with his pocket money. 2.... interested him. He told himself he was a born politician. 3. The Government’s... has nothing to do with democratic decisions taken by Parliament. 4. But, in my opinion, the woman of today is of little use in... or business. 5. It was his... never to make an enemy. 6. A mutually agreed... has been worked out. 7. There seems to be no doubt that «mini» is all set for a splendid career in commerce,... and the press. 8. In the United States a «bandwagon» heads a circus procession and so «to be on the bandwagon» is simply to be on the winning side, particularly in.... 9. «He knows... better than any one of us.» «The only... I understand, Mr Osterman,» answered Magnus sternly, «are honest....» 10. I heard Lord Shropshire say tonight that «Honesty’s the best...» was a mere Victorianism, Dad. 11. He had already some practical knowledge of.... 12. It (the Government) should support a... of military neutrality. 13. «They are no more adapted for business and...,» say I, «than Algernon Charles Swinburne is to be floor manager at one of Chuck Connor’s annual balls.» (0. Henry) 14. You let the farmers go ahead and amuse themselves with.... 15. I am wearied out o£ my life with your..., and quarrels with the independent, and nonsense.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. The Soviet Government pursues... 2. It is common knowledge that... 3. A politician should... 4. Some people in capitalist countries display no interest in... 5. Those who support... 6. I don’t know what his... 7. Everyone knows the consequences of... 8. An English proverb says … 9. He is a very shrewd person and … 10. What can you say about the foreign...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences and phrases in situations.

1. An important landmark in world politics. 2. A Government wages policy. 3.The policy of silence.4. A policy of action. 5. The Government’s colour policy. 6. The policy of aggression and expansion of the war. 7. Wage restraint policy. 8. That is what power politics means! 9. The Government’s pay policy. 10. The Government’s main line of policy. 11. When they had finished not one voice from the floor spoke in favour of the policy. 12. To change the policy of the Government.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of adjectives that go with the nouns politics and policy; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. «Честность — лучшая политика», — гласит хорошо известная английская пословица. 2. Его политические взгляды мне прекрасно известны, и я их не разделяю. 3. Народы мира сурово осудили агрессивную внешнюю политику Соединенных Штатов Америки в отношении Вьетнама. 4. Миролюбивая политика Советского государства повсеместно приносит замечательные результаты. 5. Грегори был журналистом и хотел посвятить себя политической деятельности. 6. Политика с позиции силы вызывает всеобщее возмущение. 7. Эта страна уже давно проводит реакционную политику балансирования на грани войны. 8. Люди, которые занимаются политикой, должны прекрасно разбираться в сложных вопросах международной жизни. 9. Внешняя и внутренняя политика страны должна отвечать интересам народа.

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