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Read and translate the following sentences paying special attention to the words in bold type.

1. He rose to his feet and hauled me up. 2. In the past few days, fresh fish rose to record prices but consumers refused to consume it, according to the chairman of the London Fish Merchants’ Association. 3. Ossie’s voice was rising so high, it was nearly through the canteen ceiling. 4. Dust was rising slowly into the sun. 5. A timid titter, swelling uncontrollably to a shout of laughter, rose from the class. 6. The fourth side of the court led to the twin peaks of Monte Verita, ice-capped, beautiful, caught now in the rose light of the rising sun. 7. «That’s my flight,» she said desperately. She started to rise, but I put my hand on her arm. 8. Outside, a heavy rainstorm came blinding down between the mountains which rose on either side of the single railway track. 9. Clay Hughes’ hair rose at this suggestion. 10. Since the use of writing began, a few thousand years ago, many languages have disappeared, many new ones have arisen. 11. I don’t know how the conversation arose. 12. Arguments arose. 13. «Do you think you still love Tallis?» «Yes. No. In some curious way the question hardly arises.» «It must arise.» 14. He had raised his fork and was on the very point of opening his mouth, when the hum of many voices suddenly arose in the kitchen. 15. He raised her to her feet and made her sit down. 16. He raised his eyes towards the house. 17. Having no gas, she managed to raise a fire from a few sticks and two shovelfuls of coal. 18. David raised his head. 19. The raising of cattle was the great industry of the country. 20. Abel had a born hand with flowers and made a pretty penny raising jonquils and ragged robins and asters and zinnias and marigolds, to sell in the market. 21. And when he couldn’t raise the money, she took poison. 22. The burning question all tenants want to know is why there is a need to raise the rents. 23. The by-standers raised a great protest. 24. He raised himself on his elbow and looked over the edge. 25. It was an unexpected sound that roused him from his reverie. 26. He drank deeply of it, and throwing his aching limbs upon the bank, sank into a delicious trance. The sound of approaching steps roused him. 27. But the maid-servant, who, after a long interval, opened the door, blinking and confused at being roused from her sleep, told Vanamee that Sarria was not in his room. 28. It was not Phillipa’s nature to be suspicious of people or to spy on those who happened to rouse her suspicion. 29. Harran hurried out into the dining-room and there met Presley and his father, who had been aroused as well by Annixter’s clamour. 30. When their passion was aroused they were capable of anything. She was a little frightened. 31. The housemaid’s scream aroused me this morning. 32. Airline delays seemed to arouse a latent savagery in those affected by them. 33. At once his suspicions were all aroused. 34. It is a natural desire in the reader to want to know what happens to the people in whom his interest has been aroused, and the plot is the means by which you gratify this desire. 35. He had never seen her thoroughly aroused. In fact, she was not a woman who would fly into a passion.



Rise v. i. (rose, risen) 1. (of the sun, moon, stars) To appear above the horizon, e.g. the moon hasn’t risen yet. 2. To get up from a lying, sitting, or kneeling position, e.g. they rose to welcome him, to ~ from one’s knees. 3. To get out of bed, get up (which is commoner), e.g. early to bed and early to ~ makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 4. To come to life (again, from the dead), e.g. he looks as though he had risen from the grave. 5. To ascend, to come or go up, to grow upwards; to reach a higher level or position; to reach a higher position in society, to make progress (in one’s profession, etc.), e.g. the plane rose in the air, the tide is rising; my spirits rose, the rising generation, to ~ to greatness; a rising young physicist. 6. To increase in value, price, power; to develop powers equal to, e.g. the wind is rising, he rose to the emergency. 7. To come to the surface, to become or be visible above the surroundings, e.g. bubbles rose from the bottom of the lake. 8. To originate, to come into existence, to have as a starting point, e.g. where does the Thames ~?, the quarrel rose from a mere trifle. 9. To revolt, e.g. my whole soul ~ s against it.

Arise v, i. (arose, arisen) 1. To come into being; to come to notice; to present itself, e.g. if the need should ~, doubts ~. 2. To result (from, out of), e.g. nothing ~s out of his statement, serious obligations may ~ from the proposed clause, mistakes often ~ from ignorance.

Arise (возникать, появляться, проистекать) emphasizes the fact of coming into existence or into notice more than the conditions attending the event; often it conveys no clear suggestion of a prior state, as a rumour arose and was widely circulated. When used with from, however, it usually implies a causal connection and is synonymous with result; sometimes, when the context suggests a cause, from is omitted.

On the whole, arise is far narrower in its range of application than rise (восходить, вставать, подниматься, повышаться, возрастать).

Rise and arise are sometimes used interchangeably in the sense «coming into being, action, etc.» but rise carries an added implication of ascent and arise is often used to indicate a causal relationship. Thus, new nations rise (better than arise); the rumour rose (better than arose) and spread like wildfire.

Raise v. t. (raised, raised) 1. To lift (up), move from a low(er) to a high(er) level, cause to rise, e.g. to ~ one’s eyes, to ~ one’s hat to smb., to ~ anchor. 2. To increase in degree, intensity, strength, size, value, amount, etc., e.g. to ~ one’s voice at smb., tosmb.’s hopes. 3. To stir up, arouse, incite, e.g. to ~ a revolt, to ~: a disturbance, to ~ smb. to defend smth. 4. To bring up for discussion or attention; to bring forward for consideration, e.g. to ~ a protest, to ~ a claim. 5. To cause to come about, e.g. to ~ a laugh, to ~ a blush, to ~ laughter. 6. To grow or produce, e.g. vegetables, flowers; to breed (cattle, sheep); to bring up (a family). 7. To collect, gather or procure (money, funds, a loan, taxes, rent, a subscription, an army). 8. To bring back from death, reanimate, e.g. her cries could ~ the dead, to ~ from the dead. 9. To bring to an end, remove, e.g. to ~ a siege.

Rise and raise are often confused by Russian learners because of the similarity of their sound-form and some proximity in meaning; besides, they often occur in similar contexts: they raised the pricesthe prices rose; he raised his voicehis voice rose, etc. It should be borne in mind that rise is an intransitive verb, and raise a transitive one. The main meanings of raise arc as follows: поднимать, вздымать; вызывать, порождать; повышать, увеличивать; выращивать.

Rouse v. t. (roused, roused) 1. To wake up, e.g. I was ~d by the ringing of the bell. 2. To cause smb. to be more active, interested, etc., e.g. to ~ smb. to action, ~d to anger by insults, to ~ interest.

Arouse v. t. (aroused, aroused) 1. To awaken, e.g. to ~ smb. from his sleep, to ~ pity. 2. To cause to become active, to stir up as to anger or action, e.g. she was thoroughly ~d.

Rouse (будить, пробуждать, поднимать; побуждать, возбуждать) and arouse (будить, пробуждать, вызывать, возбуждать) are often used interchangea­bly. However, there are some points of difference between them. Rouse derives its implications from its earliest application to the starting of game from coverts or lairs by the cries of hunters or by beating of bushes. In precise use it always suggests incitement to vigorous action by startling, frightening, or upsetting. In addition it commonly implies intense or vigorous activity, arid often ensuring commotion or turbulence.

Arouse is much weaker in its implications than rouse, and often means little more than to bring into consciousness, to start into activity (or, sometimes, existence) and conveys no hint of what follows, e.g. a noise in the night arouses a sleeping soldier if he merely wakes up, but it rouses him when he also makes determined efforts to trace its source; a fear may be aroused (not roused) and immediately dis­pelled; passions are roused (not aroused) when they are so stirred up that they exert a harmful influence.

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