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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them In sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them In sentences or situations.

1. A sensitive barometer. 2. A sensible rule. 3. A sensible rise in the temperature. 4. Sensitive to heat. 5. A sensible child. 6. A sensitive stage. 7. Sensitive paper. 8. A sensitive stockmarket. 9. Insensitive to beauty. 10. A sensible course of actions. 11. A sensitive nature. 12. Hands insensible from cold. 13. Sensible clothing. 14. A sensible person. 15. A sensible suggestion. 16. A sensitive face. 17. Sensitive about one’s appearance. 18. Sensible conduct. 19. The only sensible thing to do. 20. Sensitive to light. 21. To be sensible. 22. To fall down insensible. 23. Insensible changes.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. Are sensitive people easy to deal with? 2. What fs the reaction of a sensitive skin to sunshine? 3. In what professions is it indispensable to have a sensitive ear? 4. What people are highly sensitive to beauty? 5. What is meant by sensible clothing? Are you trying to be dressed sensibly on all occasions? 6. Are your hands and feet sensitive to cold? 7. What may happen if a person is too sensitive to criticism? 8. Do you remember any literary personages extremely sensitive about their appearance? 9. Do you consider yourself a sensible person? 10. Is there a possibility of sensible beings inhabiting Mars, Venus, and other planets? What points of view concerning this matter do you know? 11. How is a sensible person supposed to behave: (a) when crossing the street; (b) when speaking with someone who looks irritated and angry; (c) when reading an interesting book? 12. Express your opinion of the persons who are in the habit of: (a) crossing the street in front of a stream of moving cars; (b) going to bed in the small hours of the morning; (c) putting on the right kind of clothes for each occasion; (d) listening to music and deriving great pleasure from it. 13. What are the main characteristics of a sensitive person? Name a few literary personages of this type. 14. What do you normally do if you find that your cheeks (hands, feet) are insensible from cold? 15. What do you call a person who is insensible to colours? Is such a person allowed to drive a car? Why not? 16. What is your attitude to people who are insensible to human suffering?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. A security-restricted job. 2. A perceptible increase. 3. A high-precision instrument. 4. A suitable coat for cold weather. 5. A stupid woman. 6. A reasonable suggestion. 7. A person easily offended, hurt, etc. 8. A practical dress. 9. A person showing good sense. 10. To be unconscious. 11. Perhaps he ought to have married a quite different kind of person. Yet did these doubts make any sense after twenty years of quiet solid marriage? 12. Morgan’s letter made a good deal more sense. 13. The keenness of his hunger had departed. Sensibility, as far as concerned the yearning for food, had been exhausted. There was a dull, heavy ache in his stomach.14. There developed in him a great sensitiveness to beauty and an abnormal capacity for great happiness and great sorrow. 15. Yes, I must say that makes more sense. 16. She knew by now his extreme sensitiveness, for which his acid irony was a protection, and how quickly he could close his heart if his feelings were hurt. 17. Pardon my sensitiveness on that subject; but reports are continually being circulated that I have been shot as a traitor. 18. They might frequently be seen lying on the pavements in a state of utter insensibility.


Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. She was a strange figure, tall, taller perhaps than her brother, with the same wide nostrils and the same full, heavy... mouth. 2. A few nervous breakdowns could be counted on, too, usually among the younger girls, more... to passengers’ rudeness and ill humour. 3. It is not reasonable that a man would so injure himself, and continue to injure himself, by striking the soft and... parts of his face against your head. You are a... man. It is unreasonable, is it not? 4. The human ear is... to sound frequencies between 30 and 16,000 cycles per second. 5. Only be tactful, that’s a good boy. Marcel is very.... 6. «And do stop sneezing. It annoys me so much when people sneeze.» «Sorry, I’ve got a rather... nose.» 7. Any... woman would get the doctor to give her some antibiotic or other. 8. I can’t imagine Mary committing suicide. She’s far too.... And why should she want to? 9. As a young man he had been prosaic and..., with a sane, balanced grip of things. 10. He was born nervous and too... and that’s my fault. 11. Ray, who was. the more... and always minded things more, had chapped hands and they hurt. 12. But it was at her lips — asking a question, giving an answer, with that shadowy smile — that men looked; they were... lips. 13. Of course, under such circumstances he couldn’t get away to see her. Any... person would realize that. 14. For many hours after sleep had rendered him... to earthly objects, the face and figure of the agreeable Mrs Pott presented themselves again and again to his wandering imagination. 15. «John, be....» «No, Philippa.» 16. «Very... of you,» said Simon. 17. The face was long, with a large mouth and large, even teeth; the nose, though not small, was delicate and.... 18. Now, please don’t panic, help me to be... by being... yourself. 19. Why should a small boy like Dicky, good as gold as a rule,..., affectionate, obedient, and marvellously... for his age, have moods when he suddenly went «mad dog», as his sisters called it.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.,

1. His advice is always... 2. The remark he made …3. I admired his conduct, it was... 4. She had made a bad mistake, and the only... 5. The girl looked very delicate and... 6. I’m afraid your words are not... 7. This thermometer is not... 8. The actress had lustrous, dark-brown eyes and... 9. A delicate skin is... 10. It’s no good being too...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. I knew you’d be wise and sensible about it, you are so wise about everything. 2. I have a more sensible idea. What? 3. Anthony looked forward eagerly to his mother’s letters. They were full of sensible advice and encouragement. 4. He was a sensitive man and there were tears in his eyes. 5. He wondered how much longer it would take for her to be sensible about things. 6. Going quietly, are you? That’s sensible. 7. And you know what a sensible, hard little nut she is. 8. Something in his voice, in his eyes, hurt her, humiliated her, jarred all her most sensitive nerves. 9. She hoped he wouldn’t be unhappy, but they had made a mistake and the only sensible thing was to acknowledge it.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the adjectives sensible, sensitive, insensible, insensitive; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. В ее поведении наблюдалось заметное изменение к лучшему. 2. У музыкантов должен быть тонкий слух. 3. Я считаю, что это единственный разумный выход из создавшегося положения. 4. Дети обычно легко уязвимы. 5. Вам не следовало так болезненно реагировать на его слова: он же желает вам добра! 6. Вы очень умно поступили. 7. Есть ли разумные существа на других планетах? 8. Впечатлительные люди сразу же реагируют на все происходящее вокруг. 9. Люди с нежной кожей не могут долго находиться на ветру или на солнце. 10. Некоторое время она была без сознания, затем постепенно пришла в себя. 11. Это очень разумное предложение. 12. У меня ноги онемели от холода. 13. Пострадавшего доставили в больницу в бессознательном состоянии.


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